I agree with
MCLS. I've never been so disappointed with a season. So much was promised in thw winter only for it to roll out as 'same as' only more dull.
I can't blame Vettel or Red Bull for charging ahead but I don't like their smug arrogant ways (personal opinion).
I can't see 2014 being anything different either.
What I find depressing is there's no visible passion in F1 now.
When was the last time a driver jumped out of their car & stormed over to another to 'have it out', or a practical joke...or even a joke at all??
Or give a stranded driver a lift (without the wrath of the stewards)? Or God forbid wave your country's flag when you've won a home race?!
You're lucky if you get a waved fist and a 'mama mia' out of a driver now.
F1 has always been about the epitomy of car & driver but we've lost the life and soul of the spirit of racing... car vs car, mano o mano, not optimising lap times, saving tyres/gears/engines & sticking your fu finger up at your fellow drivers. How sad.
I've written off 2013 & to be honest I don't even have the enthusiasm to say roll on 2014