The 2013 Season

FB I guess some people feel he has not got what he deserved for his double cross earlier in the season on Webber and people won;t let it go until they see him buried in a wall or elbowed off the track
According to the FIA there will be no hot blowing of the tyres by the exhaust system. It will be interesting to see how Newey works it next season.
60pts ahead with 150pts to 24pts to 60pts under the old system so it does look like a tall order

How Alonso is having to fight his way up and keeping this championship alive is commendable from all the poor grid positions he is starting from
Bill Boddy Everyone's thinking overall turbo power will become more important so if Merc produce a superior turbo that might negate Newey but then he did show you can design a non turbo car and still challenge the turbos with his Marchin 1988
I've never known a season as disappointing as 2013, not because Vettel is going to win the championship, but the way everythings happened, we had all the hype about a close season in winter with competitive racing, but we've had tyre controversies, drivers at times having to drive slower on purpose just to stop the tyres degrading, about 10% of the overtakes have been proper racing instead of DRS assisted passing, and probably every race back to around Silverstone it was obvious who was gonna win after lap one, and Silverstone was only different because Vettel had a mechanical problem
FB I guess some people feel he has not got what he deserved for his double cross earlier in the season on Webber and people won;t let it go until they see him buried in a wall or elbowed off the track

We've been through this already Il_leone it was not a double cross. He was given a team order he did not obey. That is not a double cross. Webber did exactly the same thing to less effect. To be honest I don't think the boos have anything to do with that at all.

Senna never got this sort of booing in his prime despite winning a lot of races
And despite his efforts to transform F1 into a contact sport.

According to the FIA there will be no hot blowing of the tyres by the exhaust system. It will be interesting to see how Newey works it next season.
That only pertains to engine combustion gas exhaust. (AFAIK) nothing prohibits using the hot air exhausted by the radiator, the intercooler or the ERS and batteries. I'll wager Newey lies awake nights pondering how to utilise all that waste thermal energy.

- I guess you'd conveniently forgotten that when he was accused of forcing Button off the track then he tried to deflect his attention to Alonso doing it to him and he tried to return the compliment only to be punished for it


It was a double cross - both drivers told multi 21 and Vettel decided to stick two fingers to it
Once again a double cross is when you say you'll do something and then you do the opposite. Vettel was given a team order and didn't follow it. Not a double cross just disobeying team orders. Something that Webber has also done in the past.

I'm led to believe 'true race fans' do not like team orders. I guess that depends who the driver is eh?

However shall we stick to topic rather than trying to beat the best driver in the world at the moment over the head with a very flimsy stick?

So Vettel is awesome but none of his rivals can put a complete weekend together so it looks ridiculously easy. Can we boo them instead please?
Only races where Webber did something to jeopardise the team - BRazil last year when Vettel made a nervous start and he almost squeezed him and previously 2009 when Webber I think did not back off the pace to allow Vettel through and Seb look mighty peeved after the race


You can boo the others for being pathetic, incompetent and simply not good enough but then you may be accused of arrogance
I agree with MCLS. I've never been so disappointed with a season. So much was promised in thw winter only for it to roll out as 'same as' only more dull.
I can't blame Vettel or Red Bull for charging ahead but I don't like their smug arrogant ways (personal opinion).
I can't see 2014 being anything different either.
What I find depressing is there's no visible passion in F1 now.
When was the last time a driver jumped out of their car & stormed over to another to 'have it out', or a practical joke...or even a joke at all??
Or give a stranded driver a lift (without the wrath of the stewards)? Or God forbid wave your country's flag when you've won a home race?!
You're lucky if you get a waved fist and a 'mama mia' out of a driver now.
F1 has always been about the epitomy of car & driver but we've lost the life and soul of the spirit of racing... car vs car, mano o mano, not optimising lap times, saving tyres/gears/engines & sticking your fu finger up at your fellow drivers. How sad.
I've written off 2013 & to be honest I don't even have the enthusiasm to say roll on 2014 :(
If you would like to know what has happened to F1 all you need to do is look at the celebrities who were there.

David Beckham, a member of the same management stable as Hamilton. Went to a race once before, a few years ago, if I had his money I would be at every one.

Tom Jones, one time sex pot specialising in having knickers thrown at him. Ever been to F1 before? Er, no, noisy isn't it?

Where's the beef?
Il_leone like RasputinLives said about Malaysia if it was another driver it would have been fine. Everyone was disgusted by the way Alonso won in Hockenheim 2010, taking away the win from Massa. Everyone would have cheered if Massa just said: "If he's faster than me, he has to try to overtake me." I was pleased that Vettel fought Webber for victory and found it a shame that teamorders where given to the two Mercedes drivers.

And maybe Senna didn't get a lot of booing because he was one of the reasons a lot of people started watching f1.
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