2024 calendar


World Champion
2024 calendar has been released. interesting couple of changes.
  • For 1st time since 1982 South African GP from Kyalami, the season will not begin on a Sunday. the season will start on a Saturday with Bahrain GP taking place on 2nd March
  • Australia Is the 1st Sunday Race of the season. with Bahrain & Saudi being on a Saturday night
  • Japan moves to the 4th race of the year in April instead of being in the title run in
  • China Returns after a 5 yr absence
  • Spain continues its slide down the calendar used to be 1st European race. to now the 10th race of the season, at the end of June
  • Azerbaijan has taken Japanese spot in the calendar & will be in Mid September, which makes sense as no more ridiculous back to back races & we have 2 week gap before Baku
  • Qatar moves from start of October to the start of December

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but my main take from this. is that worried for i was going to say drivers. but really anyone connected to F1, Drivers or mechanics getting burnt out, maybe a Riccardo sabbatical might become more common place. it does seem full on because testing may start on February 21st & season wont end until December 8th. as you have 2 weeks in summer & once youve had christmas & new year. its 4 weeks before your back in the washing machine.

you can already see the effect on sky sports where besides the lead commentor david croft. nobody is doing the every race. they are on 16 race rotation. & everyone fills in. when 1 or 2 are missing
I refer the right honourable gentleman to my previous response.
well you my know my feeling the vast majority should be 2 weeks apart. double headers only if they really close like Netherlands/Beligium, Bahrain/Saudi, Qatar/Abu Dhabi

these triple header like japan bahrain saudi. imola monaco Spain, Austin mexico & Brazil. if F1 was like it was in 2021 maybe triple headers could work but its not exciting enough to keep up the motivation. im tired watching them nevermind the mechanics. ill get to number 3 & start missing practises. bored of F1.
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