Mark Webber

I'm a little puzzled as to why Webber doesn't have a page in the teams and drivers section, as Webber is a pivotal figure in the story upfront. There are questions that need to be asked. Why can Vettel win, and Webber struggle to get on the podium fighting Ferraris and McLarens? Why is the man that was noted as a good qualifier unable to get near Vettel? Did the leg break in late 2008 do him serious performance damage? and What should Webber do in the near future?

Mark Webber. Over to you...
I think JEV probably would have let him through if Mark had shown any sign of overtaking him at all until chucking it into a gap that wasn't there. Red Bull didn't need to scheme and plot anything there Webber brought about his own dermise.

Would have a lot more respect for Webber if he just once came out and say "What can I say mate? I dropped a clanger"
Webber almost admitts the incident with JEV was his fault here almost. He wouldn't Webber if he didn't throw some criticsm at the person he'd knocked off the road.
I think he was just acknowledging the the onus is always on the overtaking driver but also following that by saying he thought JEV was giving him room and then closed the door. Webber didn't have an overlap and he realizes that.
Let's face it when one is going through a weekend from Hades it's gotta be hard to keep up ones concentration.

Note: Fender's applies "give benefit of doubt" principle
Maybe I'm being a bit harsh from that interview but I stand by the fact that Webber has always been very good at explaining to media how every incident he's been involved in has never really be his fault and he's always been quick to play the "the guys dangerous card".
Can I clear something up - would Mark driving for Posrche be completely incompatible with him also racing in F1, should he want to do both?
Andrew Benson said:
Webber: “You get five fast laps per weekend. Upgrades are data-driven. Driver feedback is minimal. Tyres are the biggest factor.”


P3: S Vettel
P8: M Webber
Anthony Davidson had an interesting bit after FP3 showing the different lines Vettel and Webber took through the corner into the first DRS section. Webber was further off the track, more out of control and couldn't open the wing flap as early as Vettel. I think it comes down to the simple fact that Webber isn't as good as Vettel (shock, horror, dons tin hat awaiting fall out)
I think today's performance justifies Vettel's actions in Malaysia. Mark is not going to be anywhere near the title fight come seasons end and Seb did the right thing in taking the win, regardless of "multi 21".
Unless Webber was Massa and all would be saying that 'team orders' where killing his fighting spirit.
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