Mark Webber

I'm a little puzzled as to why Webber doesn't have a page in the teams and drivers section, as Webber is a pivotal figure in the story upfront. There are questions that need to be asked. Why can Vettel win, and Webber struggle to get on the podium fighting Ferraris and McLarens? Why is the man that was noted as a good qualifier unable to get near Vettel? Did the leg break in late 2008 do him serious performance damage? and What should Webber do in the near future?

Mark Webber. Over to you...

IF the situation was reversed do you reckon Red Bull would swap the two around or not ?


As for Webber last race Abu Dhabi.. it was almost as though he felt before the race started he could not do it
I remember he used to qualify well for Jaguar and fluff the starts as well so its been his whole career really so I'm guessing reflexs. Would be interested to know if he used to do it in his junior career as well. People try to argue its because of his height/weight but Gerhard Berger and Robert Kubica are both taller and heavier than he is and I've seen them both get some flyers in their time so I find that one difficult to believe. I just think its a weak part of his game and with everything so close it costs him more and more.

I'd have sympathy but with Webber it will always turn out to be anyones fault but his so I find it hard to have any.
Bump as in "to post a comment" ... or bump as in the take the #2 RBR and make contact with the #1 RBR and start a :censored: storm...

It's a shame Webber doesn't more closely emulate two other Aussies of F1 fame: "Black" Jack Brabham and Alan Jones. If he did, Seb wouldn't DARE to pull such moves on him.

One of my favourite quotes from F1 comes from Jones: At the end of their feud-filled season, when Carlos Reuteman suggested that they "bury the hatchet" Jones replied: "Yeah, in your bloody back, mate"!
If Webber could be more like Brabham and Jones he'd never be in the situation where Seb would have the chance to do stuff like that.
Not sure where that 'nice guy' was in Silverstone '11, Abu Dhabi '12 or Brazil '12.
He's never given a shit about being colleagual to Vettel, so not sure why he suddenly expects it back. Not sure why he expects Vettel to obey the team, when he himself doesn't.

If Webber can't take it, he shouldn't dish it.
mnmracer.......All the incidences you've quoted came after Turkey 2010. Turkey was a carbon copy of what has just happened in Malaysia and was what lead to the ill feeling between Vettel and Webber. Everything that has happened up until last Sunday has been Webber claiming a little payback for Turkey 2010. Expect things to get a hell of a lot worse when Webber extracts payback for last Sunday. In most peoples opinions, including his own team, Vettel doesn't deserve defending this time.
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