2014 / 2015 Silly Season. Drivers Market.

If Kimi beats Seb it's time to hang up the driving gloves and his reputation would be shot. People would rightly say "it was all about the car". Somehow I think we could be in for an interesting season Ferrari wise as they will build the car for Vettel in the same way they used to for Schumacher.
Yeah, I think that's the most likely outcome, they are not going to try to develop anything around what Kimi needs however, Kimi could find a car set up for Seb is more suited to his style than a car set up for Fernando. That would be interesting.
How could Ferrari design the car around Vettel's driving style when he hasn't even sat on it and won't be for a while yet?

The design for next year's cars probably started before this season even got under way didn't it?
We often hear designers saying they start planning for cars at least a year in advance....
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No, I mean set up and then improvements throughout the season. Who's input into the perfromance evaluation will they steer things towards that sort of thing. I'm fully aware that next years car will have already left the drawing board a while back.

What I mean is, looking at the bigger picture, we already know that Kimi has struggled making the front end of the car stick and that besides being a better driver, Alonso would I imagine, had the greater input in the design direction of the car. When Vettel arrives, Ferrari will naturally want to take things in his direction as he is the way forward for the team.

That's what I meant by designing the car around Vettel so perhaps I used the wrong term, sorry.

EDIT: Actually, I've just read my last post and I didn't use the term "Design" at all I clearly said "Set up" around Sebs driving style. So, sorry withdrawn. :P
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I loved Kimi, he was my 'other' favourite driver. A real racer who somehow lost his way and, now, we only have glimpses of what he could do.

Teamed with Vettel will probably be the last straw and wonder why Ferarri would want to extend his misery. There are others out there, much cheaper and, probably, more motivated.
I like Kimi too but TBH at present he is simply not worth his seat. If he matches or beats Seb next year then Seb's rep risks's going down the toilet.

Sadly next years grid is already far too full of second or third string drivers for my liking...
siffert_fan Alonso still the best driver and no shame losing to Button who managed to beat Hamilton despite everyone thinking he was in for a pasting

His reputation would not suffer as badly as say Vettel to losing to Kimi.... Kimi has been given a real pasting this season by Alonso

Now Kimi might decide to turn up next season and give Vettel a pasting or at least a run for his money or he will continue his awful trend where he was way off the pace and poor in races -

Whichever Kimi turns it is just going to annoy the heck out of everyone wondering why he did not show up this season or why they did not get rid of him

But everyone keeps ignoring the fact that this year's Ferrari was designed with FA in mind, based on 5 years of learning what his preferences are. Kimi's performances need to be judged with that in mind.

Next year's car will start from baseline zero for Seb as the design team have no clue what he likes.

It should prove interesting, to say the least.

IMO, I don't buy that FA is the best. Nor can I say that he isn't. But I don't see how anyone can state it as a fact when he hasn't won a WDC in years, nor has he apparently, been able to move Ferrari that final small increment they needed to be the best, as Schumacher and his followers were able to do. If, in two or three seasons, Ferrari wins one or both titles, will people then acclaim Seb as the best? It will be interesting to see.
If the McLaren pairing turns out to be JB and FA, what becomes of FA's reputation if JB whips him?


Why do questons such as these keep coming up about what may or may not happen in the future?

Whoever comes out on top will come on top and reputations will be enhanced or diminished.

As has always been the case with any other driver, Alonso, Vettel, Raikkonen, Hamilton or everyone else in the sport's history....
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siffert_fan This year's Ferrari is more difficult to drive and the new regulations based on the power trains makes them a complete different beast from previously diffuser based aerodynamics

I still did not expect the performance difference between Kimi and Alonso to be that big

Alonso definitely has enhanced his reputation at Ferrari who would be nowhere without him he should have won 2010 and 2012 championship.

I have said it many times Schumacher benefited from huge advantage of free testing in which Ferrari ran from their own track and operate 2 test drivers alongside a No 2 and it actually meant they were not taking the wind tunnel results as closely which proved to Ferrari's detriment when they found out in 2011

Also Todt managed to run Ferrari and keep Luca off his back and deliver the results but as proven Luca wanting to run things the Italian way since Todt left has been part of the reasons why the team has failed to move on
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