2014 / 2015 Silly Season. Drivers Market.

I don't see how they can allow some teams to use third cars, but not every team. The third car could easily be used as a mobile chicane to protect the other 2 team cars, even assuming that the third car is not eligible for points. If it IS eligible for points, it makes a complete mockery of the WCC by conferring a huge advantage upon the "chosen" teams. I would expect a fair number of lawsuits to be filed if third cars are instituted.
whilst the 3rd car has been discussed in terms of blocking other cars and all permutations about podiums and constructors.. the fact is the grid is down to 18 cars and Bernie promised to run with 20 cars at least

so both Red Bull and Ferrari have no issue getting another ready which obviously means they have more potential leverage as well

Bernie had better make it clear what is happening in 2015 because both Mclaren and Mercedes would probably want to enter one as well
Would it be just me who would find it hillarious if Ferrari built a championship winning car next year and Alonso found himself a massively overpaid driver in a midfield McLaren..

Could you imagine the face on Ron.

He'd be out there in his driveway buffing the gravel by hand in total frustration, muttering obsenities under his breath...
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The Artist..... Alonso can try and muscle in but their formula of young academy drivers proves to be successful so far so I think JEV might get a lifeline he did not expect to be promoted

As I see Ferrari - they were impressed with Ocon but want to maximise their chance of winning so they will put 3 world champions together so I think Button could be on his way there
Just let me add some fuel to the fire here.

Actually, maybe the stumbling block has been that Alonso wants to do both F1 season AND the 24 Hours?
I know that's a bit far-fetched but not unheard of. Albeit probably not in the last 30 years or so anyway...
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