Pre-Season Winter testing : 2014 Season

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Fuck engine regs!!! Let them get as much power as they want from their units that's what F1 is all about, R&D rules it's the only way forward not just for F1 but for everyone better more efficient power units can only be a good thing in my book, why are the FIA holding technology back like this? That's what I want to know....
I don't think anyone's sandbagging in the sense of hiding their true performance to divert attention from themselves. What we saw in Jerez was largely the teams extracting as much performance from their engines/ERS systems that was possible at the time. Quote from Toto Wolff:
"I would say we are cautiously satisfied. We thought that we could be running into more problems than we actually did with the whole new concept. It looked difficult on the first day of testing, but in the end the car seems to be running reliably.

We cannot judge performance yet - we are far away from performance, far away from what we think what our potential is. There are still little bits and pieces missing, and not functioning in the way we want them to function. But we are cautiously optimistic and it looks like the guys have done a good job."
7th July bombings, London riots, ETA, gun crime, World War Two, earthquake / nuclear reactor meltdown, shark culling.
Testing restarting tomorrow thank god. This has been the slowest few weeks for F1 news.

It will be very interesting to see to what extent Renault have fixed their problems. If they struggle through this week as well it leaves the Renault teams in a very difficult position for the start of the season. Same goes for Red Bull and their issues. Alternatively, if they quickly get in to 70 laps per day territory then the struggles in Jerez count for very little.
Just pointing out that bad things happen in other countries too but calls to abandon races don't happen there. It's a very small risk.

There was F1 racing during WW2, an Earthquake is a natural disastor, the July bombings were carried out by a terrorist organisation, The London Riots were a so called protest against police action, Gun crime is a criminal activity and the recent nuclear meltdown was again a tragic accident. None of these are the organisers of a Grand Prix denying people their civil rights as has happened in Bahrain.

I think you may have missed the pointbof what people are upset about where Bahrain is concerned. By going to Bahrain F1 is activly indorsing individuals who are activly seeking to deny people their civil rights. Not sure how that is tbe same as the July bombings.

Now if you'd bought China's civil rights record up we couldn't really argue with you.
Exactly FB. Whilst Guantanamo, drones, right to arms and secret courts are on the go I'm not criticising Bahrain.

If were about safety or a good time to go why we are still going to São Paulo beggers belief.

Anywho apologies for derailing the thread!
I personally believe highlighting the problem, even if it involves going and racing there, is better than boycotting and hence ignoring the problem. A good example is Paul Simon when he recorded 'Graceland'. He was castigated for going to South Africa, but in fact the people he worked with and the recording he made eventually went on to be a very positive force for change.
Or the US of A, and, let's be honest, the UK is exactly without sin on breaching International law now is it?

Yes but is the race set up and run by the very people behind those law breaks? Hmmm.

As for choosing not to criticse Bahrain that is your choice and you live in a free society which allows you to make that choice. Its just a shame the citizens of Bahrain don't have the same choice as you on whether they want to criticse their state or not.
I'm fairly sure violent protests and attempts to overthrow the govt would land me a few tasers and prison sentence too (which is where Bahrain is at present, why else would the UN urge both sides to calm down), If I were black probably shot (in self defence obviously) or Muslim rendered off to a torture chamber courtesy of the US.

And as for free speech? Bah! Tell that to the editor of the Guardian, his boyfriend, Snowden, Assange and the various people targeted under the surveillance programmes. We have freer speech, that's all.

The govt may not organise the events but they are most certainly profiting from them. And it is us that have Bahrain as allies, as members of international organisation, profiting from their wealth, making them a viable and acceptable place to hold Grand Prix. They wouldn't be allowed one in N.Korea. So yes I won't criticise Bahrain and call for boycotts unless I do the same for all the countries that engage in torture, prevent free journalism and incarcerate people without trial.
Did Bahrain apply to be a night race so that the images of empty grandstands and protestors being rounded up were hidden by the glare of the circuit lamps?:whistle:
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