I'm fairly sure violent protests and attempts to overthrow the govt would land me a few tasers and prison sentence too (which is where Bahrain is at present, why else would the UN urge both sides to calm down), If I were black probably shot (in self defence obviously) or Muslim rendered off to a torture chamber courtesy of the US.
And as for free speech? Bah! Tell that to the editor of the Guardian, his boyfriend, Snowden, Assange and the various people targeted under the surveillance programmes. We have freer speech, that's all.
The govt may not organise the events but they are most certainly profiting from them. And it is us that have Bahrain as allies, as members of international organisation, profiting from their wealth, making them a viable and acceptable place to hold Grand Prix. They wouldn't be allowed one in N.Korea. So yes I won't criticise Bahrain and call for boycotts unless I do the same for all the countries that engage in torture, prevent free journalism and incarcerate people without trial.