Pre-Season Winter testing : 2014 Season

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So any news on the reliability of the Renault engine? The gave Lotus an updated engine, one that is supposed to not brake down all the time.
Yes, sorry, I jumped the gun a little. The 100km was achieved over the 2 days, however, the first day they only managed one lap.

I wonder how much filming they actually did?
"Huge step forward for Renault"... it's far too early to say that. We didn't hear anything about Renault having serious issues after the media day Toro Rosso did before Jerez. I do expect Renault to be looking competitive again by the end of the first Bahrain test though, or at least it would be a big surprise if they don't manage to turn things around ASAP.
According to relativity time may run slower under certain circumstances (otherwise the speed of light would have to change) but from the point of view of someone who is in that zone does not notice any difference. This is one of the things that is currently screwing up black hole theories.
Raises the question: "Will history be made as Max Chilton and his team become the first to find a practical application of string theory?" Answer: Only if they heed the advice of Clip the Apex top peeps Incubus and FB :D
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