Pre-Season Winter testing : 2014 Season

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Well, the Red Bull team are burning the midnight oil, there were still people in the factory at 9 last night!
You mean that you've been stalking them?

It certainly sounds like there are problems with the car which may not all be down to the power unit.
Does their factory look like this The Pits

No, I don't think so. I have driven past every Sunday for the last 3 year's, and I never saw much going on before.
Maybe you never noticed because they were doing well and therefore paid less attention to them. Now however there in trouble and you're paying more attention to them.
Just a guess. ;)

Keep your eyes on the road! :D
Considering Renault have spent 2 years designing and building their new V6, as have Mercedes and Ferrari, I can't see them solving their issues in three or four weeks, especially as by their own admission Red Bull say they have fundamental problems with the car also. If they're not competitive in Melbourne my guess is they will spend most of 2014 in catch-up mode. They're already a hell of a long way behind Mercedes and Ferrari and you can be sure neither of them will be standing still.
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It's believed that Renault started their development of their engine first, because they where the first to express their need to increase the minimum weight for the 2014 cars. Their engine seems fine, but it's the turbo and electronics that seems to get them a headache.

From what i read somewhere else is that Renault has never produced an reliable turbo engine in f1. I don't know about that, i never saw the turbo era.

Anyway for the most expensive engine on the grid the teams that made a deal with Renault must feel really screwed right about now.
or maybe i notice the lights on because they are not usually on, and the carpark is usually empty. as a serious f1 fan, i notice, and i pay attention to what is going on at my local team. i know a few people who work for f1 teams, and i am fully aware of the routines at this time of year.

a chap i know who works for Mercedes was playing football with me on Sunday evening, the drive home from which i noticed that the lights were on.

maybe they are just putting in more hours than usual?
Interesting stat teabagyokel. The pole position to wins is a conversion rate of less than 50% which probably does indicate a reliability issue, regardless of whatever else is factored into the equation.
Regarding their current problems, their Deputy Managing Director, Ro White's comment that they face a "litany of issues" must be hugely worrying. Oscillation, in other words vibration interfering with the ERS, and moving forward to solve this problem may be a mountain to climb.
My comment Mephistopheles was a response to teabagyokel looking back at the reliability issues Renault suffered during the last turbo era from 1978 to 1988. Their recent alternator problems are nothing compared with what they are now confronted with. I'm glad I haven't got my money on Red Bull this year, in fact they may be heading for a lean period that may extend beyond one season. Mercedes and Ferrari will be hard to beat this season and next year they'll have a Honda powered McLaren to contend with also.
Another misunderstanding Mephistopheles, I wasn't having a go at you in any way at all. I thought you may have missed the dates, 1978 to 1988 on teabagyokel posting, nothing meant by my posting at all. I did pick up on your humor incidentally it just didn't require a response and I didn't think I'd offend. The problem with the internet is you can't see whether someone is laughing or not. :) These little fellows help sometimes which is why I often turn to them. :friends:
I think you may find that RBR have not run all of the components/elements as a unit,

Each works on its own perfectly - join them all up and there is mayhem!
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