Pre-Season Winter testing : 2014 Season

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A bit early to think about judging Vettel, the season hasn't even started yet. As much as we'd like to see him prove himself in a car that's not quite top draw, in fairness to Vettel, first Red Bull have to put him in a car that actually goes, so far they've failed to do that. At the moment they haven't done enough laps to reach the first pit stop. :ermmm:
It's also a bit early to judge the extra speed provided by mclarens suspension. I'm going to wait till at least the 3rd test before judging.
We are probably thinking alike F1Yorkshire. I'm probably even more conservative, especially this season. With so many big changes I would suggest we may not know much until we've seen at least two Grand Prix's.
Rosberg is racking up the laps again - 42 in two hours, double anyone else at this point. It seems like he's currently doing a race simulation.
I would have thought it was way to soon to even think of race simulations. They'll probably still be learning their cars and the best way to utilize the electronics during the third test. Interesting that Alonso set his best time on wets, the top times have all been set on intermediates so far.
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He's doing long runs with quick pit stops in between and completed about 70 laps so far this morning. It may not be a race simulation at anything like the ultimate performance of the car as they are definitely still in the early stages of understanding how everything works, but it's still a race simulation I think it's fair to say.
Jerez Testing


Bahrain Grand Prix:


Alonso's just topped the time sheets, 1.6sec quicker than Rosberg. Good to see Mercedes aren't going to have everything their own way. Meanwhile Red Bull are……..:D
Maybe Lotus' absence is actually a master stroke... After all, red bull have so far managed 13 laps... At least missing the first test means that Lotus miss out on the first set of Renault related gremlins.
Surely having Lotus there would double the number of Renault powered cars on track and therefore halve the time it would take to sort out their problems. What do they say, a problem shared is a problem solved.
Well it wouldn't double the number of Renault powered cars as three out of the four are at the test. Lotus haven't missed out on much running compared to the other Renault teams but they have massive issues that extend far beyond reliability gremlins... maybe a lucky stroke rather than a master stroke.

Hamilton is taking the afternoon for Mercedes after Rosberg completed 91 laps this morning. Presumably because Hamilton has missed out on a lot of running due to the front wing failure on Monday and a gearbox change yesterday. Unless they have issues this afternoon they will almost certainly pass the 100 lap mark.
It at least suggests they've wasted little money, although with those drivers question is can they last long enough without crashing to go boom?
It seems to me that all the Renault teams are having issues, but none so much as Red Bull.

I suspect that there are issues with the Engine itself, but Red Bull have tried to be too clever, and it has bitten them on the arse!!

It will be interesting to see how they pull through this. ala McLaren 2011? or McLaren 2013?

Edit: Caterham still trundling round and round, 45 laps so far. Unless Kamui has used his skills with a samurai sword to modify the batteries.....
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Red Bull have given up, that's their Jerez test over. Ricciardo did 7 laps with a best lap time 10 seconds slower than the current fastest.
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