F1Yorkshire Avatar for sale to the highest bidder Contributor 23 January 2014 #121 Here is the modded version of a elf,I have a lot more interesting armour but can't really post it on here! Spoiler Attachments Skyrim Epic Elf.JPG 29.2 KB · Views: 178 Last edited: 23 January 2014
Here is the modded version of a elf,I have a lot more interesting armour but can't really post it on here! Spoiler
M Mephistopheles Banned Contributor 20 July 2014 #122 I'm playing The Witcher 2 and I must say I am shocked it's like a pornographic version of The Elder Scrolls.... Last edited: 20 July 2014
I'm playing The Witcher 2 and I must say I am shocked it's like a pornographic version of The Elder Scrolls....