Gaming The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Sadly my game seems to be glitched quite a lot now.

I have several Miscellaneous quests which won't complete, despite having retrieved the various items and/or completed the tasks.
That sucks. Sorry mate.

I am currently at the College of Winterhold hanging out with the nerdy magicians. I miss the jocks at the companions.
I'm still only about 10% through Skyrim...

I got chomped by a dragon the other night :(
Top tip: Don't take all of your armor and weapons off so you can load up with gear to go and sell. When you come out of the store you may just find yourself faced by an Elder Dragon, butt naked :D
In the earlier pre-patched versions of the game it was possible to use alchemy and enchanting to make super powerful armour out of anything, there's a well documented case of one guy wearing nothing but fur shorts that were pretty much indestructible. He was also armed with a super shiv. Don't want to mess with him!
One thing I'm not sure on and which I can't seem to find an answer for is, if I have a helmet which improves archery by 40%, a necklace which improves it by 30% and a ring by 20%, if I wear all three do I get the combined total or just the largest one (the helmet)?
Well that was a disappointment.
I spent ages smithing so I could get to 100 and unlock dragon armour, only to find it is very marginally better than glass but slightly heavier :disappointed:
Overall I'll probably stick with glass.

I finally managed to clear out the items I had been hoarding in my chests - it was taking several seconds to open there were that many :D

I've basically spent the last week just doing some tidying up and improving skills such as smithing, enchanting, etc.
You're better off with Daedric armour, it looks cooler. If you find the Steed standing stone it cancels out any weight penalties from armour and boosts your carry capacity by 100
I've had the Lover stone since day one - every skill improves 15% faster.

I've got a carry capacity of around 400 ish now so it's not too bad.
After sharing a glass of port with my laptop I've just ordered myself a shiny new whizz bangy gaming laptop, so looking at some of these more demanding games.

Looking on amazon this one seemed to have some negative views on the PC release of the game based on the controls not migrating ell from the platform version.

Anyone here had any experience of the PC version?
I play the PC version and I have personally not had any trouble with the controls. The UI is not really optimized for a PC screen though but there are ways to fix that (I use SkyrimUI).
I've now ordered - think I was a bit carried away at the weekend as I decided an i7 alienware laptop was the logical replacment to my now ex soggy PoS, so definitely need to sort some stress testing
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