The 2013 Season

Something amazing could happen this season. This could be the first time in F1 history that every driver starts every race and for the same team they started the season with as well.

As far as I can tell, in 53 years of F1 this has never happened before.
Definitely - but hopefully with the regulation changes next year the order will be shaken up. I think because the cars are as developed as they can be, with no real rule changes, the order has been static and the racing getting more boring.
This year feels a lot like 2004, hyped up a lot beforehand about being incredibly close, but being a massive disappointment with one car racing away at the front.
downforce Care to exaggerate on that reason

Yeah bloody Germans as Button said back in 2011 but Red Bull simply doing a better job than the rest but the other Red Bull driver has been beaten into submission inside and outside the team whilst the opposition are not as well drilled to put up a good fight
The new rules will help mix things up but we know aero is king in F1 and I expect Redbull to be there or thereabouts next year. Newey has just found his zone there and it will take more that a significant overhaul of the rules to wipe out Redbull's dominance.
On the other hand understanding and development of F1 aerodynamic design is possibly reaching its peak in terms of the good ol' law of diminishing returns. Next year a lot will rest on the new formula for the power units*. There are some new variables in the mix that may be to the advantage or otherwise of the power unit engineers. The challenges for them will be to develop and integrate the V6 engines, turbo units and ERS's into the best package. They will have to engineer a host of solutions with regard to the chassis, suspension, tubs, etc. Newey will certainly be an edge for RBR with regard to the bodywork but will it be enough?

*Note: They're not calling them engines in 2014, apparently!
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