The 2013 Season

Having never said they were a farce I stand by my view that changing the rules mid-season is unfair on those that got it right in the first place and they have every right to moan. I feel the need to bring 2003 up again only its even earlier.

I still maintain we had something similar to this tyre wise last year and the teams eventually got on terms with it. I still say if they'd given them more testing time we wouldn't be seeing what we're seeing.

F1 is and odd world. Boullier is right to feel hard done to though.

Let's not forget the Michelin farce at Indy.... Then, we were told that there could be no chicane put in place since the failure of teams to bring tyres that were not up to the job was down to the teams, and there was no position to change the rules! If teams wanted to race, they could always do lots of pit stops, or drive through the pits each lap! This is a similar situation, but it comes down to "if you fail to bring a car that's designed to work with the tyres, that's your problem"

The only reason the tyres should be changed is to prevent the constant delaminations of the rear tyres- as this is a safety issue...
There are plenty of other example of things that have changed mid-season and benefited one team or another, like the off-throttle blown diffuser ban that the FIA put in place for Silverstone in 2011. It's part of F1 and the number of tyres failures we've seen in the last few races along with the pedestrian race in Spain show they're not up to the job at the moment.

The teams who are kind on their tyres have had an advantage so far and most likely will continue to have an advantage. Lotus had good tyre wear last year as well, so if the tyres change they should still be in a good position. The only difference is we'll have faster, more competitive races (hopefully...).
Most of the other examples seem to be an attempt to enforce the current rules, whereas the tyre change is a change to the specification of the tyres, which the rules explicitly say will not happen
I think the tyres do need changing for safety and for other reasons and I also think that Pirelli should be held accountable for this situation, (After all Michelin were held accountable for Indy 2005.) but I can understand why some teams don't want it and would hate to see them suffer because of it...

So that's my stance on the situation....
The three of the most consistent drivers fighting for the title, and it's Vettel who's yet to finish below 4th and is due a bad race soon.

He has a big gap in the championship with 21 points over Raikkonen, and 29 over his biggest rival Alonso.

Hopefully, he will lose his way a bit and we can actual have a proper fight, rather than those two mentioned above constantly chasing him.
The in car footage from Perez's car showed clearly that the pass was never on. Sergio charged in from too far back without any regard for the fact that Kimi would be turning in precisely when he did in order to make the chicane. Even if Kimi had not turned in Sergio would have punted him out anyway since he would have been too tight into the first part of the chicane to make it himself and both cars would have shortcut the chicane anyway.
The three of the most consistent drivers fighting for the title, and it's Vettel who's yet to finish below 4th and is due a bad race soon.

He has a big gap in the championship with 21 points over Raikkonen, and 29 over his biggest rival Alonso.

Hopefully, he will lose his way a bit and we can actual have a proper fight, rather than those two mentioned above constantly chasing him.
It's only a small gap, very small. A whisker more than one race win. Only about 11 points in the old money.
yeah Vettel is ahead by this margin because of his double cross

We just need some races where Lotus, Ferrari and Mercedes finish ahead of Red Bulls...and Webber too ahead of Vettel to wipe out that lead
I love Monaco but it is always a lottery. I still think this title will become Alonso's to lose. My money is on him winning the Championship with one or two GP's to spare. Yes I know I'm being boring and predictable. :victory:
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