The 2013 Season

Kewee Would you have said the same about Alonso if he had won the championship? After all, Vettel had 2 retirements which weren't his fault...
No I wouldn't have Josh. The Ferrari was not a very competitive car at any stage of the season. It was remarkable that Alonso finished 2nd in the championship, if he had won it would have had nothing to do with luck considering the car Ferrari put under him.
If we could keep this thread about discussing the 2013 season please, rather than yet another "ifs and buts" retrospective of 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 etc, etc.


Just got to get mine in :wave:

If Alonso hadn't done that Hungary thing in 2007, WORLD CHAMPION
If Alonso had let Kubica through at Silverstone 2010 straight away (who ended up retiring laps later anyway), WORLD CHAMPION
If Alonso hadn't stalled on lap 1 in Suzuka 2012, WORLD CHAMPION

Alonso could have easily been a 5 time World Champion now, and Vettel just a measly one time.

And the major difference to 2003 is that it was ultimely decided by unreliability rather than Ferrari favoritism (except a small incident in the Nurburgring with Montoya/Schumacher)
LifeW12......I've mentioned similar stats on a previous thread but as FB asked us to stay on topic I won't go there again. The only reason I included 2012 in the discussion is it's hard to talk about 2013 in isolation so early in the season. Driver form and car development carries over from 2012 into 2013 and has an impact on this discussion and how 2013 develops.
I always look at close championships and look for minor things in races that cost the championship, here's another one

1986: Mansell lost the championship not because of a tyre, but by 14 thousandths of a second in Jerez
Yes teabagyokel but in theory if the others can move to a two or three stop race on the new rubber then Lotus should be able to move to a one or two stop strategy and so maintain their advantage.

In theory that is, fingers crossed...
I think there is also another reason why Bouilliers complaining, the only advantage Lotus holds, is they can make their tyres last longer with sufficient enough pace, however, they are behind in outright pace.

I was reading about their car, it's one of the best, if not the best, mechanically, but aerodynamically it's not on the same level as Ferrari and Red Bull, not sure about Mercedes.
Bouilliers been very clear. Lotus designed their chassis, in part at least, around the tyre compounds they were provided with during testing and told they would be using during 2013. They got it right, some of the others, one in particular , didn't. I think he has every right to feel pissed off. They can't suddenly change the design of their chassis. :(
Yeah but what's done is done. Other teams might have designed their cars around the tyres (I think Force India have) and I don't hear them complaining. Lotus were the best at conserving tyres, the change hurts them the most, as so they complain. Same as Red Bull before.
I'm not getting this, I've seen several posters say the Pirelli tyres are a farce and need changed, yet those same posters disagree with the changes that Pirelli are doing. :s
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