Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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Well for starters Button has managed to avoid needless incidents, Monaco and Hungary last year spring to mind in Hamilton's case
To be honest, I think this season for Button is looking to be his equivalent of last year for Hamilton, with Monaco and Malaysia incidents, along with the early season issues. By far not his best season, but still managing to throw in some strong results.
‘Thumping Lewis’ would obviously be one of the options available to him .The other option would be to simply bring the car home in the points if Hamilton fails to finish for any reason. Out of interest - Do you think the current table fully reflects the relative performance of both drivers?

On the whole I think the gap between the two of them is about fair. I know there was a group of races in the middle where Jenson was woefully off pace but if you take those out I think he's been closer to Lewis on one lap pace than previous years. I think at this stage of the season the gap is correct. I expect it to be bigger by end of the season though

I think Buttons up turn in form means he pips Mark Webber right now for best performing team mate award.
You think the gap is fair? You mean a fair reflection of the drivers performances this year?Putting aside misfortune not of the drivers making you think the gap between Button and Hamilton is a fair reflection?
Would Hamilton help Button if the roles were reversed ? Somehow I doubt it either if he would not listen to back off or let your teammate through

I see part of Lewis' frustration is because Alonso at Ferrari is undisputed no 1 and does not have to race his teammate

Hamilton may say Alonso was his toughest teammate but on his day Button can be just as tough and formidable although not quite with the same consistency

Button in his mid season slump probably lost about 50 points which really puts him out of the title picture in my opinion

He basically needs to win all the races with Alonso retiring at least in two of them to give himself a shot
23 pts between Hamilton and Button fair ..if you take out those horrible mid season races then probably because Hamilton has been more consistent than he was last season with too many distractions
I get the feeling after the twitter incident at Spa . Hamilton was not too happy about Button giving his views given the tension that is built in the team allegedly...come on this is nothing compared to Prost and Senna or Hamilton and Alonso ..they haven't exploded in front of the tv audience to realise there is a problem in the team
Why do people constantly bang on about Lewis's misfortunes and ignore the fact that every other driver on the grid has had at least as many misfortunes as him and quite a lot of them have had more, Schumacher, Webber, Button and Maldonado to name but a few, come on get real, people........

To polarise on one drivers misfortunes does a massive injustice to the other 23 drivers on the grid, some of whom could do just as good a job if not a better one than Lewis or Jenson at McLaren.....

I know that Jenson isn't the GOAT just as I know that neither is Lewis but I don't support a driver simply because he may or may not be the best.

There is a lot more to it than that......
Who could do a better job at Mclaren than Lewis?
Now come on.. "every other driver on the grid has had at least as many misfortunes as him and quite a lot of them have had more "
How do you work that one out? Lewis has had an inordinate amount of issues not of his own making this season.
Two gear box failures
A puncture
Taken out by the two wild children
Appalling pitstops-(Two in one race)
Dropped off the jack
And thats not even including the poor strategies early in the season.In most of those races he was set to score highly.

This is not comparable with jenson's 7race slump when he coluldnt find any grip and scored no points.
You mention Maldonado-all of his own making except the last race where he drove well and I actually felt sorry he didnt finish.
Schumacher-much of his own making.
Even if you dislike Lewis(and Im not saying you do) you cant disguise the fact that but for misfortune far greater than the other championship contenders, Lewis would be right up there. I think we are being very real.
The slump as you call it was not a driver slump it was a car problem and it eventually caught up with Lewis as well, It could be said that if Jenson could drive around the problem as well as Lewis did then the problem would never have been picked on until it was too late and so McLaren would not have been able to fix it in time to keep them at the front of the grid..

Being able to drive round an issue is all very well in the short term but it does naff all in the long term..

And besides which you have only listed Hamilton's issues you have not given any data for comparison and so your post is completely meaningless.

You can't just spout off a list of things and claim it to be a serious argument to prove you are right and everyone else is wrong statistics, maths and science or any realistic argument simply does not work that way...

If I sit on one end of a seesaw and nobody sits on the other end and I stay on the ground, does that prove that the seesaw is faulty?
Why do people constantly bang on about Lewis's misfortunes and ignore the fact that every other driver on the grid has had at least as many misfortunes as him.

This season Fernando surely hasn't had anywhere near the misfortunes which have occurred to Hamilton, and started for Lewis in the very the first race at Australia, by being given the wrong clutch settings at the start of the race.
You make a good point about Button not being able to drive around problems and therefore highlighting them, I accept that; but nevertherless Lewis was scoring well at that time.
I did only list Hamilton's issues becaues he's the driver I support so Im more aware of them. I didnt say that the others hadnt had any issues, I said they'd had less. Im aware they have all had problems (Alonso also out by Grosjean , Vettel 2 diff problems, Button car stopped and some poor pitstops) And there are probably more, but not so many. Im not tyring to prove myself right and evertyone else wrong, I think most people realise lewis has been very unfortunate this season. Its racing. its what happens, but there's no point trying to pretend it hasnt happened.

If you sit on the seesaw and nobody sits on the other end, the seesaw is not faulty, its fine. You just need to find a person to go on the other end. Ive not got time right now, its past my bedtime, but if I did find him, he'd be a lot lighter than the one already on;)
You think the gap is fair? You mean a fair reflection of the drivers performances this year?Putting aside misfortune not of the drivers making you think the gap between Button and Hamilton is a fair reflection?

Yes. Its about a race win between them and judging on their performances this season I think thats fair.

I think Jenson would have been closer but for the following things:

Jessica dyed his lucky pants pink in the wash
His hampster wasn't eating properly and he was worried sick
He fell out with his dad over who should get the last Jaffa cake
Mclaren REFUSED to let drive the car naked to get a feel for it
He recorded the last episode of Homeland but someone told him how it ended before he got to watch it
He lost his head and shoulders adverts

He really has been in a dark dark place........probably on a dark dark street
Oh and it was Lewis that told him how Homeland ended. The bar steward
Ah... That's suddenly shed light on one of the great mysteries of F1 in 2010... I mean, all of the F1 drivers were big fans of the tv series Lost... And then the race after the finale (Turkey 2010), Vettel takes Webber out and LH and JB go hammer and tongs at each other... Just because they'd been thinking "I wasted 7 years for the finale to be that???"
The Artist..... You are correct as these unseen pictures confirm.


"But guys wasn't the island under water at the begining of the season? and what did they all die of? I don't get it"


"Jacks dad's name was Christian Shepherd!?!? how did we not notice it was so lame"


"I would like to publicly announce that Hurley was my favourtie character so I quite liked the ending but I did wonder what happened to Walt and Vincent the dog"


"So what was the island all about?"


"Thats right I want to sue JJ Abrhams for wasting my time! I've got the money and I know the court system lets take him for every penny he's got!"
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