Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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Losing time on a straight to Jenson can only mean one thing - more drag. There is more to this than just the choice of rear wing and we know Lewis was running more downforce.

However, he struggled to match his team-mate's pace in final practice and, following a session debrief with his engineers tweeted: "Car is not fast enough at the moment but have made some big changes."
One of those changes would see Hamilton move to a high-downforce set-up, while team-mate Button was more comfortable with the new low downforce version.
He was quicker in the corners because he was running more wing - self-evidently there is a trade-off. When the choice of the higher-downforce wing was made, Hamilton would have known that he'd have been slower on the straights.
Just starting to sober up after this morning's disaster, but here is an interesing comparison between Lewis and Jenson, during their qualifying runs.

Re the Hamilton telemetry, the numbers in the margin are apparently ride-height information, described by Mark Hughes in this week's Autosport as 'gold dust' information.

Mark was unusually strident this week, worth a read if you get the chance.
Uh, he posted confidential data. Whether other teams can use it or not is unimportant, confidential data should not be shared and it was immature and basically a breach of contract (as I'm sure it'll say something about not sharing confidential data somewhere).

Trying to defend him in this case is bollocks imo.
Yes he was wrong to post that data reagardless of the fact it was actually of little use to other teams and gave the antihamilton brigade ammunition to spin out endlessly.But I think there are mitigating circumstances. Not excuses-he shouldn't have done it. But I dont think we see the half of what goes on at Mclaren.
its not gold dust atall.mclaren have said the info on the telemetry is useless to other teams.

Well, they would say that, wouldn't they?

There is a reason the McLaren hierarchy have made this data confidential; it may not be a good reason nor of great advantage to the other teams, but there is some reason. And this data is confidential in every single other Formula One team, too.

It beggars belief that Lewis Hamilton would post sensitive information of this nature on twitter in order to prove a point against his team. The point he was making was common knowledge before the tweet. It is simply the most immature, stupid, pointless, ridiculous, childish and petty thing I have ever seen a sportsman do. He has compromised his own team, and if I were McLaren I would be considering that contract offer very carefully in light of this stupidity.
Re the Hamilton telemetry, the numbers in the margin are apparently ride-height information.

It looks more like speed trap data just before Les Combes - where the thick black line is. Minimum ride height is measured at the point where downforce is highest, although I'm surprised that the revs were at 16,000.
teabagyokel I think you're overreacting. It was wrong but not as bad as deliberately crashing into a competitor(Schumacher, maldonado) deliberately crashing full stop to help a team mate(Piquet/Alonso) Working with stolen data (Alonso) Stopping on track during quali to stop a competitor posting a time (Schumacher), blackmailing the team boss (Alonso). etc etc
It wasnt even sensitive data, it was stuff they could have got elsewhere and only really relevant to the Spa race. Much ado about nothing, but lets stick the boot in to Lewis anyway. Yes he was silly. it wasnt the best way to deal with a team who treat him like a second class citizen, but lewis hasnt progressed yet into the 'How to really do the dirty and cover your tracks' class' Compared to some, he's still in kindergarten, like you say childish, immature; but not spiteful , not vindictive and not sneaky.
racecub - I'll admit its not spiteful, vindictive or sneaky because all three of those words imply some thought before acting, and frankly his actions did not show the intelligence to get to that level.

At least Piquet was deliberately crashing to help his team-mate, and while I have plenty of words to describe that incident, immature, stupid, pointless, ridiculous, childish and petty don't come into it because it was successful, and thus reaches the echelons of pure conniving I associate with Flavio Briatore.

Working with stolen data? Everyone would work with others' IP, and now thanks to Hamilton, they all are.
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