Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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Slightly off topic and I can't even remember who said it, but I always liked what one perhaps former F1 driver said about racing on street circuits, that if after qualifying you came back with the tyre markings still on the sidewall of the tyres you didn't try hard enough.
Yeah. I read that last week. I did say "implies". Their official statement implies something different to that which the radio message implies. What a world of smoke and mirrors F1 is, eh?
Yeah. I read that last week. I did say "implies". Their official statement implies something different to that which the radio message implies. What a world of smoke and mirrors F1 is, eh?
What was implied is irrelevant it could be taken to mean, we did all we could yesterday by getting pole position and now this happens we are sorry about that.

What matters is what is inferred from the statement and if the listener has misunderstood then clarification needs to be sought and in this case McLaren clarified by stating they did not know that the gearbox had a problem, until it failed...

Once clarification has been given then there is no longer any merit in holding on to your original inference.
Indeed, McLaren are well known for saying one thing over the radio and 'clarifying' things after! *cough* Australia *cough* Turkey *cough* Spain *cough*
Which neither strengthens nor weakens my argument as in all those cases the inference has nothing to do with the implication from the radio messages, and should be judged after the events and not before...
I have had many things "clarified" for me in the past. If a "clarification" was an oath I might give it more credence. When delivered by some person with a PR function, a clarification can just as easily be spin as truth. In PR, a clarification means "just to make it clear, this is what we would like you to think". That applies whether the statement is true or otherwise. It is naive to think that, especially, an F1 team representative tells nothing but truths. I'm not saying that I have reached a conclusion, just that I don't take statements like that at face value by default.
I've said it all along but Hamilton and Button are too different to ever be friends.
They never socialise outside work and it's obvious they barely tolerate each other.
I would even suggest there is a healthy dislike, from one of them at least.

I suspect this had some bearing on Hamilton's decision to move to Mercedes.
I think Strange is the word I'd use to describe Jenson's and Lewis's relationship.

I think they's no question that both respect each other. However like Brogan says both are two very different people to actually be friends with each other. This is just an opinion but I'd think if we were to meet both of them in real life Jenson would be the more welcoming of the two, but I don't know them personally to judge that just from tv interviews and stuff like that.
Both seem like nice blokes. I get the feeling that beneath the surface that Lewis is more genuine. More of a "what you see is what you get" kind of character. There is something about Jenson that makes him come across as less trust worthy. He's definitely more emotionally intelligent but, from experience, that can make people a little more dangerous too.
Both seem like nice blokes. I get the feeling that beneath the surface that Lewis is more genuine. More of a "what you see is what you get" kind of character. There is something about Jenson that makes him come across as less trust worthy. He's definitely more emotionally intelligent but, from experience, that can make people a little more dangerous too.

i agree.jenson although a nice fella,isnt as nice as some may think imo.he seems like the type of person who does his dirt in the dark,so to speak.he seems very cunning.he's alot more subtle than lewis.
I think Twittergate part deux highlights why Hamilton has chosen to jump ship. He is projecting.

As many times as he has said something to his teammates that was thoughtless or rude or disrespectful or disparaging (or so spoken of them in the press, or on Twitter, etc.), Lewis can't imagine these remarks not affecting their attitude ...and their performance. He can't imagine himself enduring such comments, shrugging them off yet still providing full and enthusiastic support, ergo he "imagines" their support for him has eroded. He claims he is making the move for the challenge but the truth, I think, is he believes his relationship with his current team is toxic and he stands no chance to repeat as WDC where he is.

The fly in the ointment is the WO4 (presuming Merc simply increments up by one for next season's car). Lewis has remarked to the press that there will be no pressure on him at Mercedes, but that is woefully short-sighted. It is long odds that the WO4 could be a front-running car at the start of the 2013 season, and the motoring press always are in need of a story. So I expect them to fabricate a running storyline from Lewis' role in the new car's success (or failure). But Lewis does not have a reputation as a stellar developmental driver. That would require he "gel" with his race engineer and mechanics, not something he is renown for. So if the honeymoon lasts beyond Silverstone, I for one will be surprised.
Lewis has remarked to the press that there will be no pressure on him at Mercedes, but that is woefully short-sighted. It is long odds that the WO4 could be a front-running car at the start of the 2013 season
Hamilton has already clearly stated that he doesn't expect to win anything next year and it will be a year to cement his place in the team and build for the future.

That doesn't seem "woefully short-sighted" to me.
Especially considering the proposed engine changes for 2014 which could see the grid being mixed up.
Especially considering the proposed engine changes for 2014 which could see the grid being mixed up.

I still happen to think that moving to an uncompetitive team (Relatively) on the belief that the grid might be shaken up in 2014 is a massive gamble! Whilst the Brackley team did prosper the last time there was a reshuffle, at the time, they were spending about 3 times any other team's budget, constantly running between 4 and 6 wind tunnels doing development work. Mercedes simply can't (or won't) run to the same level of expense. Also, it may be that the Super Aguri techies who came up with the double diffuser may not be able to replicate the success!
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