Enja isn't dead. Valued Member 9 March 2011 #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXQ-WoYms6U Don't watch this then
gethinceri Lance Stroll Fan. Alfa Romeo Fan. Contributor 9 March 2011 #2 The only fingers you'll ever need.
F1Yorkshire Avatar for sale to the highest bidder Contributor 9 March 2011 #4 That video was hideous. Please do not tell FB about it. EDIT: Damn we were too late.
AlexM Podium Finisher Contributor 10 March 2011 #5 The catchy tune has converted me.. Bring on the Finger!
MCLS Anti F1 fan Valued Member 10 March 2011 #6 It wouldnt suprise me if Vettel already has a 'finger' tattoo
teabagyokel #dejavu Valued Member 30 March 2011 #8 I've watched Cristiano Ronaldo play football, it'll take more than that to upset me!
FB Not my cup of cake Valued Member 30 March 2011 #10 Brogan said: Where's Mark? Click to expand Hmmm, the BBC caption reads "No doubt Mark Webber is in the crowd somewhere"
Brogan said: Where's Mark? Click to expand Hmmm, the BBC caption reads "No doubt Mark Webber is in the crowd somewhere"
Pyrope Podium Finisher Supporter 31 March 2011 #11 Not "...and then my proctologist said..."?? You sure?
teabagyokel #dejavu Valued Member 6 April 2011 #12 FB said: I also have a confession to make, I'm a closet Sebastian Vettel fan Click to expand From your own staff page! What definition of the word 'closet' are you using here?
FB said: I also have a confession to make, I'm a closet Sebastian Vettel fan Click to expand From your own staff page! What definition of the word 'closet' are you using here?
Grizzly Bear Contributor 6 April 2011 #13 teabagyokel said: From your own staff page! What definition of the word 'closet' are you using here? Click to expand Where's the, biting ones tongue smiley?
teabagyokel said: From your own staff page! What definition of the word 'closet' are you using here? Click to expand Where's the, biting ones tongue smiley?
McZiderRed Champion Elect Supporter 6 April 2011 #14 teabagyokel said: From your own staff page! What definition of the word 'closet' are you using here? Click to expand I think it's the same closet that houses the Emperor's new clothes...
teabagyokel said: From your own staff page! What definition of the word 'closet' are you using here? Click to expand I think it's the same closet that houses the Emperor's new clothes...
FB Not my cup of cake Valued Member 16 April 2011 #16 Mark attempts to be more like Seb, unfortunately he can't manage it on the track...
FB Not my cup of cake Valued Member 25 April 2011 #18 http://grandprixdiary.com/2011-calendar/27-march-australia/vettel-insures-finger-for-10-million