False or True?


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Think it's time for another fun game, this will be a similar vein to the guess the circuit or driver game.

This one is a simple case of posting a fact about F1 and the 1st person to guess the right answer whether it is False or True posts the next fun fact. It's down to the poster if they want to post a true fact or a made up one.
Only rule is no googling when guessing. You have a 50/50 chance of getting the right answer so just take a punt, the more random the fact the better!
If the wrong answer is posted 1st, ignore it and wait for someone to post the right answer!

I'll kick it off with:

In 1997 Villeneuve won the title with Schumacher 2nd, during that season neither of them appeared on the podium together.

False or True?
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What I was going to do was ignore a wrong answer until a right one was posted!

updated the opening post with the solution to the little flaw in my idea.:oops:
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Yes it is true and to make the game a little more fun I suggest that you have to give details with your answer rather than just saying true of false, anyway this is what happened.

Earl was a technical consultant for the English Racing Automobiles Team when on 18 June 1952 during a test drive of an ERA G Type F1 car (For Stirling Moss) at the Motor Industry Research Association's test track in Nuneaton Warwickshire his car overturned. Earl, aged 29, died in hospital from a fractured skull. He is the only non racing driver to die driving an F1 car.

Maybe Colin Chapman should have been made to test drive his cars..

Your go mjo


He also went to Germany just after the war to spy on the Mercedes team for Jaguar...
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Yep, I'll give you that. It was 4 and 17 points - Andrea de Cesaris only finished 1 race that season, which was a 3rd in Belgium (although he was classified in Australia, but spun off).
In 1966, the first year of the new 3-liter formula, Colin Chapman, king of light-weight race car designs, created a Lotus. that weighed 300 lbs MORE than the Brabham.

True or false?
Yes it was true. The BRM H16 weighed so much even Chapman couldn't get the weight down. The Honda was even heavier, by over 100 pounds! Imagine such differences today.
After I posted that I had a look at the gas turbine Lotus and that was much later. Got to think of something now...
Yep, I'll give you that. It was 4 and 17 points - Andrea de Cesaris only finished 1 race that season, which was a 3rd in Belgium (although he was classified in Australia, but spun off).

ADC ran out of fuel and did not actually finish that one!
More F1 race winners (up to end 2012) were born under the star sign Cancer.

True or false?
Cancer is summerish.

In a summer calendar, success tends to go to those sportsmen older at the start of play (Jan-Mar) than those later, and a winter calendar creates more Sept-Nov champions.

On that basis, I'm calling bulls-, erm, I mean, false.
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