Coming soon...


Staff Member
This should make FF1 easier this season Greenlantern101 :)

Still a long way to go :)

Mike has the basic framework in place but there's a lot of code still to write.
I'm busy adding the data so hopefully we'll have something a bit more polished within the next week or so.

It's looking good though and for those of you who have used the Overtaking Database, you'll know just what a great job Mike will also make of this.
I'm pleased to say that all of the data is complete from 2009 - 2013, which should in theory allow us to rebuild previous seasons and get rid of the pages (with a fair bit of manual hacking).
That's very low priority at the moment though as we only have a few weeks to finalise the code ready to open up the game for entries, which is typically near the end of February.

The core mechanics are done though so it's looking pretty good so far.
Brogan those screen shots look fantastic now if you could just give me the name of the sneaky git who leaked my next seasons team name to you (Doomed To Failure.) and then ban him for life that would be appreciated, thank you....
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