2014 driver line up market

Magnussen isn't confirmed. It just websites reporting it as fact. McLaren have made nothing official.

If Perez is fired after 1 year, it will dent his reputation for getting another drive.
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Not a big fan of Perez but if he is given the boot it would be a bit unfair as the McLaren this year has been a complete shit box and he hasn't had any chance to prove himself. I'm sure the Telemex money he would take with him might attract other teams though Greenlantern101
With anything like this the 1st place to see official confirmation will be on twitter. It does seem that Magnussen is getting the seat but until we see a source from McLaren confirming the rumours we are all still speculating.
Hmmm, anyone think McLaren really are in a spiral? They used to be the most stable team on the grid but next season could be another dire affair for McLaren fans. Last season with the Merc engine, so little factory support on the motor. Another car designed by the muppets who have made this years "challenger". Their No. 1 driver incapable of extracting speed from the car unless it is "perfect" and no clue who is going to get the second seat.

The Artist..... Dunno, thought McLaren were carrying some sort of sponsorship bought by Perez?
............hence why The Artist..... they've decide they will give Magnusen a shot I think.

However as posted earlier, and as people keep saying, this is NOT confirmed yet. As Mr Whitmarsh himslf says


I have a funny feeling that they were maybe about to announce it but Maldo's sudden possible move to Enstone has made them hold off to see where Hulkenberg ends up.
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Hmmm, anyone think McLaren really are in a spiral? They used to be the most stable team on the grid but next season could be another dire affair for McLaren fans. Last season with the Merc engine, so little factory support on the motor. Another car designed by the muppets who have made this years "challenger". Their No. 1 driver incapable of extracting speed from the car unless it is "perfect" and no clue who is going to get the second seat.

The Artist..... Dunno, thought McLaren were carrying some sort of sponsorship bought by Perez?
Mclaren will shine again, nothing more certain though it possibly won't happen until their second year with Honda. They've signed Red Bulls head of aerodynamics so given a short settling in period huge gains will be made. The same applies with Honda, they will also require a short settling in period. 2016 will see McLaren right up front fighting for both titles. Don't underestimate Button, McLaren understand what he needs and he's proven his strength when a team provides him with a balanced car that suits him.
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Not underestimating Button Kewee but he's only been supplied with a car to match his driving style once and, although he made full use of it, I wonder if it will ever happen again. As for McLaren, bigger teams have fallen. They seem very preoccupied with things outside of F1 and I wonder if it is having a knock on effect on the racing team.
Fair comment FB. I know I probably confuse people on this site, Alonso, Ferrari, If you get my drift, need I say more, but I have also always been a Button fan and hey,,,,I'm a Kiwi, I have to keep the faith and continue to believe in McLaren. For what it's worth FB I have friends over here with close links that are really hurting. Spreading my loyalties eases the pain. :)
The main reason I would think of turning down a Lotus drive might be the state of the finances. Maybe it's not all rosy?
Perhaps the driver was someone else. More information needed I think!
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