Pre-Season Winter testing : 2014 Season

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as drag increases by the cube of the speed I assume with higher speeds that DRS will be even more effective.
And the 2014 DRS opening increases from 50mm to 65mm (TR 3.10.1).

F1 Analisi also claims that some of the new-found speed might be because 2014's car's only rarely encounter the rev limiter, whereas 2013's hit it at virtually every gear change.
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I hope the DRS zones are shortened if DRS passes prove to be too easy. Interesting to watch for this in the first race.... amongst the 20 other things to watch for.
Indeed. Incidentally drag roughly squares with speed: From

Air Friction
Air friction, or air drag, is an example of fluid friction. Unlike the standard model of surface friction, such friction forces are velocity dependent. The velocity dependence may be very complicated, and only special cases can be treated analytically. At very low speeds for small particles, air resistance is approximately proportional to velocity and can be expressed in the form


where the negative sign implies that it is always directly opposite the velocity. For higher velocites and larger objects the frictional drag is approximately proportional to the square of the velocity:


where ρ is the air density, A the cross-sectional area, and C is a numerical drag coefficient.
Plutus ….. I don't think there would be many who don't believe Vettel is a huge talent, some of us though would love to see him having to achieve in a slightly less dominant car. An even playing field is always the best way to judge talent.
If it may please the court the defence offers the 2010 F1 season as exhibit 1 in what Sebastien Vettel can achieve in a non-dominant car. Winning the title by a miserly 4 points in the final race.

As exhibit 2 the defence offer the 2012 F1 season. Winning the title by an even more miserly 3 points in the final race (with half a car).

I'm really not sure what the bloke has to do to prove that even when facing opposition in equal machinery he can still win races and titles. Ho Hum.
FB I am sure that there will be some that proclaim that if Vettel does not win the WDC this year will be shouting that he really isn't all that and it was just the car that gave him the previous four titles, but I can guarantee that those that spout such crap are talking out of their collective arse holes, Vettel puts more effort into winning than any driver I have ever known and I say this even though I am not a fan of his, but I do respect him...
The drag squares but the force required to overcome it cubes with speed.
I'm no drag expert but clearly drag cannot cube with speed unless you are multiplying the drag itself by some velocity as you’ve shown. The velocity cancels out on both sides of the equation (by relating v to v) and drag (Fd) becomes proportional to the square (not cube) of velocity just as Fenders said above otherwise you'll end up with a non homogeneous equation.
Whatever they do it will be an under-attended heap of crap in a desert.

As long as Bernie is racking in the dough, the "race" is here to stay. Considering its one of the worst attended races in F1 history sums it up. In any other part of the world, it would be called a white elephant.

Its one of those events I'd never go to, even if I got it for free.
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The Bahrain GP may be poorly attended, but the circuit itself often produces good racing. The race that sticks in most peoples' mind though is the 2010 race, where they added in an extra loop; this destroyed the flow of the circuit, and it had never been meant to be used for F1.

If a country wishes to hold an F1 race, and no-one wants to attend, that's fine; there's still half a billion people to watch on tv!
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