The Olympics 2012

Seriously, the two are very different.

If you've ever participated in an athletic meet you would appreciate that.

The dictionary definition of show boating is: One who seeks attention by ostentatious behavior; a showoff.

Show boating is what Bolt did when he crossed the line in the 100m in Bejing.
Because that was just the semi final.
There is no point in expending every single bit of energy for a qualifying race.
All of the best athletes do it and if they didn't their coaches would probably definitely berate them for it.
The top guys run the times they do in their sleep - most of the time when it matters. The saving energy bit is mostly bollocks. You're really telling me that if Bolt didn't do his little bit of slowing down and looking around nonchalantly tonight that it would affect his performance tomorrow? I seriously doubt it and I don't buy it.
I feel like I have to go a bit Brailsford here but success is achieved by the accumulation of marginal gains. Bolt is an anomaly in his field, but to not slow down in that situation would display the arrogance of one who would scupper his chances by believing he could run tired, or the lack of confidence that would suggest a big meet bottler like Powell.
I don't think he would have saved a single joule of energy by slowing down I'm with Porceliamone he was showboating just like Bolt did in the final of the Beijing Olympics he slowed and had one shoe lace undone that time could have been a lot faster, they play mind games with the other athletes, basically it is taking the piss and Blake nearly came undone by doing it...
Blake and Bolt probably burn up more energy by doing their little theatrics before they run than by slowing down like that..

By that reckoning they should be carried to the track on a sedan chair to save energy...

And anyway it takes energy to brake how do you think KERS works?
I'm guessing neither you nor Porceliamone have ever run 100m or 200m competitively, or any other distance for that matter, at an athletics meet?
I have many times and you just don't give it everything you've got in the heats.

Hence why most of the athletes slow down - just watch any qualifying heat from the last 10 days and almost all of the top finishers slow approaching the line.

When you're expanding maximum effort and energy is when you're most likely to get injured; a torn muscle for example, or pulled hamstring. There is no point in risking an injury for a race you've already won.

This is not show boating - the dictionary definition of that is very clear.
Not like he did they don't and I was a very good runner at school admittedly my best event was cross country but I was in the top 3 or 4 at the 100 as well, I ran well under 14 seconds when I was 14 years old...
Porceliamone What do you see as the logical reason to run full speed start to finish in a qualifying heat that you've clearly won?

As for me, if in a heat where the point is just to qualify if an athlete has clearly won/met the qualifying standard 100m before the finish I just see it as unnecessary energy continuing at full speed.

A friend of mine just posted this pic he took on facebook, Bolt had pretty much won 50m in.

It's like turning the engine down in an F1 race when you're so far ahead.
Unlike those behind who are trying to catch up who turn it up to the max.
I am not disputing pacing a semi final to get through to the final is a good thing and Bolt did it brilliantly and I would put the enthuses on pacing it, what I'm talking about is slowing down to such an extent at the end of a race that you almost blow the whole deal by doing so as Blake nearly did...

Anyway it was just an observation and even if Blake would have came third he would have been through as a fastest loser, but he couldn't have known that at the time....
Well that was silly, but more down to a lack of focus not being aware of where his competitors were rather than showboating. But at the end of the day he still won, qualifying with the fastest time out of all the semi-finals today and previous heats.
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