Pre-Season Testing Has Started

They need some good fortune in a few days time, lots and lots of good fortune smiling on them. As yet they haven't been able to do a single race simulation. They could well arrive in Melbourne with no idea at all how there car will use it's tyres. That in itself is a huge handicap.
Alonso is in intensive care and they won't release him from hospital until they've conducted further tests. They are playing it down and saying this is normal but you can't help but be concerned. Why would he still be in intensive care if he was uninjured.
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Concussion can takes days to show itself.

I know this from when my eldest was involved in an accident - she seemed fine, if a little 'upset' until the true state of her condition was identified a couple of days later. Really quite frightening!

So am glad to see that Alonso's medics are on the ball.
That hopefully the case but there hasn't been any reason given for the cause of the crash in the first place, which was what gave rise to all sorts of rumours, that he might have passed out at the wheel or had an electric shock etc...
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Can I just clairfy that like was because I agree that its good Alonso's medics are on the ball. Obviously I would never 'like' that someone had concussion.
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Concussions are definitely not something to take lightly. I've had more than a couple, and some of them turned out a lot worse than they seemed at first. Good of Alonso's docs to keep him for observation.
When you look at what people have been saying about the accident. You've got Seb saying he thought the crash occured at around 90mph and saying "The speed was slow, maybe 150kph. Then he turned right into the wall. It looked strange"

You've got Eric Boullier talking about it being "Just one of those things"

You've got Alonso's manager saying "The car had grip then there was a tremenedous gust of wind and he went into the wall"

Gusts of wind, strange looking turns. It's no wonder everyone starts to speculate.
A strange turn might suggest Alonso was out of it before the impact which brings us back to what Incubus was saying. Did he possibly get an electric shock from the unit? I could see why Mclaren wouldn't want that out in the media.
To be honest, I can't see how he would get an electric shock sat in the car. To get a shock there would have to be a potential difference between Alonso and the ground. That condition doesn't exist if he is sat in the car. It's pretty much as if he's sat in a faraday cage. If there was an ERS problem and he got out of the car, with one leg in and one touching the floor, that would be different.

It's the same as if you threw a live cable into a swimming pool. Nothing would happen to the people in the pool until they touched the floor or the sides because when they are in the water without touching anything else, there is no potential difference across their bodies, the level of voltage at all points is the same.
If it was an ERS issue it should be obvious as there's an ERS status light on the cars; it would be all over the media by now (as a confirmed fact, not a rumour) if the McLaren had a big red light on it after the accident. All indications are it's an impact (either caused by driver error, wind or car issues, who knows) that, whilst maybe at relatively low speed, was violent enough to give Alonso concussion. The speed is by no means the only factor that determines how bad the injury is, Alonso probably just hit the wall at an awkward angle or something.

Also, the fact that he's in intensive care just means the hospital are monitoring him closely to ensure the concussion doesn't cause complications as a precaution. All the information we have suggests he'll be leaving hospital within the next couple of days once any risk from the concussion subsides. There's all sorts of speculation in a lot of places and it's unnecessary and has got wildly out of control, in my opinion.
I think you are all missing the point of electrocution, you do not have to be grounded to earth, only grounded to the supply's earth or -ve. In the case of ERS there is a high voltage side and a low voltage side, should anyone touch the high voltage side whilst also touching the low voltage side an electric shock will be experienced. I am not saying Alonso did suffer a shock, he wasn't electrocuted cos he ain't dead. Though with this so called seal problem, this possibility may exist.
I agree there has to be a potential difference but I don't see how one could be set up across the ERS while sat in the car.
We don't know where the HV collection voltage is routed and stored, or the route of the LV wiring to the motor. Unless of course you know differently. HV jumps and if you are in the way of the jump it will find the the lowest potential via you
There's all sorts of speculation in a lot of places and it's unnecessary and has got wildly out of control, in my opinion.


Oh I agree. It'ss just that McLaren should be aware that if they don't come forward with even a possible explanation for the crash there's bound to be all sorts of rumours flying around.

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