Le Mans Le Mans and the WEC

Did any CTA member go this year? I haven't been since I was a teenager and would be quite interested to know if anything's changed a great deal since. I'd like to go next year.
What a great race.
The early Toyota pace, frankly surprised us. Their lack of durability did not. Once the Toys fell out, the race lost a bit of its lustre, especially since Nakjima had already eliminated the Deltawing (:() . We happened to be at the site of Ant's crash when it happened, and I have to say, it initially looked like it had the potential to be fatal. Thank God, cars are so strong today that drivers can walk away from wrecks like that. I hope his recovery is swift.

After that, we spent a large part of the time across from the pits, marveling at the crew's efficiency. The Audi crew changing the front suspension on the Hybrid (so it is a drive axle) in 7 minutes was a sight to behold. I really think the Joest team is the best that has ever been.

Having stayed up through the entire race, when we got back to the hotel, we immediately went to sleep, taking only our overnight bag into our room. Imagine our anger and dismay to discover this morning that our car had been broken into and our cameras and suitcases were gone >:(. So now, the missus is shopping for new clothes here in Pari$. Two other cars at the hotel had been broken into as well, including my brother-in-law's Morgan Aero (we are using his Ford Focus RS).

All the latter notwithstanding, it has been a great time here, and I hope the rest our trip is as enjoyable (an IRC race is next on the agenda)
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