Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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It really doesn't matter who reported anything. In fact, I reported a lot of the posts. The point is that a bunch of users hi-jacked it and took it completely off topic so that they could play my driver is better than your driver and score points against each other. This thread was then created to give the same users a place to go so that they didn't disrupt all of the other threads that they had also hi-jacked and they can't even get it right here. I'm not going to name any names but you all know who you are and this petty ridiculous playground nonsense is driving me bonkers.

I know someone is going to tell me to use the ignore function soon, but wouldn't it just be better if we all just behaved a little bit more sensibly and talked about racing instead of all this other rubbish. Surely the only thing that matters is talent and the application of it. I don't care how big Jenson's willy is, or Lewis' for that matter.

Yeah. I said willy!

It is quite amazing that when you try to put points across they can be swamped out of the way...by some little aside made at the end of a post.

I read Post 72 Rick D
He comments that LH couldn't beat JBs karting records etc...
I posted a reply/comment that he would have had better equipment...his dad was in the trade.

Post 80
Everything else ignored, lines of...........as you say.........knicker elastic info.

I should have ignored, instead of supplying facts to support above...or is that under..wear.

I just want to see a level playing field at McLaren.... as they purport there is.
What is past cannot be altered...but it can be learned from..'he who does not understand history, has chance of repating.'

Just for the record I have never reported a post..it is just someone's opinion.
It has been said, that it is a way of stopping someone getting their points across.
really,and how did you come to that conclusion?
vettel was beaten by di resta when they were teammates,and alonso couldnt beat lewis.
so how are they better?

Because its ok to be provocative and witty and clever until someone someone else does the same, then it's all hellfire and damnation

you see some ppl believed in the conspiracy theories when lewis and alonso were team mates,now all of a sudden they dont believe now jenson and lewis are team mates.
i dont want to see any driver favoured in any team,but f1 politics doesnt allow equality alot of the time.
but anyway,jenson is a top driver,without a doubt,but we did not see the best of lewis last season when button did a good job beating him.
if jenson beats lewis when lewis is at his best then i will admit he's just as good if not better.
you see some ppl believed in the conspiracy theories when lewis and alonso were team mates,now all of a sudden they dont believe now jenson and lewis are team mates.
i dont want to see any driver favoured in any team,but f1 politics doesnt allow equality alot of the time.
but anyway,jenson is a top driver,without a doubt,but we did not see the best of lewis last season when button did a good job beating him.
if jenson beats lewis when lewis is at his best then i will admit he's just as good if not better.

I never believed in conspiracy theories with Alonso and Lewis! lol. I believe Lewis came in and drove brilliantly and took Alonso by surprise and beat him fair and square.

Strangley I think Jenson last year and in the first race of this year has done exactly the same.
I just want to see a level playing field at McLaren.... as they purport there is.
What is past cannot be altered...but it can be learned from..'he who does not understand history, has chance of repating.'

Just as a point in question, have McLaren ever suffered from having a level playing field? Have they not had a first driver who got resentful and lost his head, eventually getting the team chucked out of the Constructors' Championship while their two drivers split their points equally thus allowing a driver in an inferior Ferrari to nick the Championship by a single point?

It seems that their recent history suggests that a level playing field may not be the best move.

Has any team principal in history wept over a driver, or described them as 'disturbingly goodlooking?'

I believe he described both his drivers as disturbingly goodlooking in that quote. See what we mean about half-truths.

I get my info from the well respected site F1-rejects

You do know that site is run by two mates from Australia, don't you?
So why isn't there an exhaustive "Nico Rosberg vs Michael Schumacher thread"? Or "Vettel vs Webber" one to dissect every single facet, nuance and widget that may have contributed to one driver finishing ahead of the other? Or even get into trawling through their family history to find reasons why one won, and one didn't?

It's become pathetic that the Hamiltonistas refuse to accept that on occasion He is Less Than Perfect, and therefore must find every possible excuse for him failing to be so.

The reason that we never saw any of this venom projected at Heikki Kovalainen was because he was never perceived as a threat.
you see some ppl believed in the conspiracy theories when lewis and alonso were team mates,now all of a sudden they dont believe now jenson and lewis are team mates.
i dont want to see any driver favoured in any team,but f1 politics doesnt allow equality alot of the time.
but anyway,jenson is a top driver,without a doubt,but we did not see the best of lewis last season when button did a good job beating him.
if jenson beats lewis when lewis is at his best then i will admit he's just as good if not better.
So, what will it take for you to admit Jenson is beating Lewis fair and square? If Lewis isn't performing to the best of his ability, surely he should be on borrowed time as no employer would accept that, especially for his renumeration package, he should be giving it his all every time he steps in a car!!

As far as the rest of your conspiracy theories go, did you know there is already a moonbase secretly run by a secret faction within the US government?
Cook please don't change the subject. You still haven't provided links to Jenson ditching his preganat GF and Whitmarsh sacking Lewis from the Mclaren youth programme you promised me a year ago - Please show me your superior research skills by providing links otherwise we all might think you made them up to try and back up your argument. You wouldn't want us to think that Cook would you?
It was Kimberley Keay
And the Whitmarsh thing. He managed lewis' young drivers programme but let him go after an arguemet with Anthony about putting him the next racing category. He resigned them. Sorry cant remember sorce but it was an interview by Whitmarsh himself.

But shall we move on?
F1 Rejects Submitted Article quoted by Racecub said:
A telling quote from a friend that the best part about Button's contract with Williams was "Now you'll be on the new game for Playstation II!"
That sort of reminds me of someone...!
So why isn't there an exhaustive "Nico Rosberg vs Michael Schumacher thread"? Or "Vettel vs Webber" one to dissect every single facet, nuance and widget that may have contributed to one driver finishing ahead of the other? Or even get into trawling through their family history to find reasons why one won, and one didn't?

It's become pathetic that the Hamiltonistas refuse to accept that on occasion He is Less Than Perfect, and therefore must find every possible excuse for him failing to be so.

The reason that we never saw any of this venom projected at Heikki Kovalainen was because he was never perceived as a threat.
I never saw Heikki pull any sneaky moves...so no comments?
When Schumi was in his Heyday...plenty was said.
I read Post 72 Rick D
He comments that LH couldn't beat JBs karting records etc...
I posted a reply/comment that he would have had better equipment...his dad was in the trade.

Post 80
Everything else ignored, lines of...........as you say.........knicker elastic info.

I should have ignored, instead of supplying facts to support above...or is that under..wear.

Just for the record I have never reported a post..it is just someone's opinion.
It has been said, that it is a way of stopping someone getting their points across.

Very well put Ang

Some can't wait to get involved and as soon as their shallow attempts at discourse are brushed aside by counter arguments, they then start to shout wolf. The same ones who always complain can't get enough and continue to come onto a thread designed for subjective opinions.

If you can't win why turn up and provoke responses that will then end up with you flouncing off saying 'oh how exasperating, they won't listen to me'

Someone even complained about this thread getting high jacked by the same Lewis vs Jenson arguments LOL

on here both drivers will be compared and supported respectively, no one wants to back down and will defend their opinion with an argument using selected facts

It's better to have this on one thread so that it stops the others getting high jacked

So why do some respond and then cry foul when beaten?
It was Kimberley Keay
And the Whitmarsh thing. He managed lewis' young drivers programme but let him go after an arguemet with Anthony about putting him the next racing category. He resigned them. Sorry cant remember sorce but it was an interview by Whitmarsh himself

link says

"Button broke up with childhood sweetheart Kimberley Keay shortly after he landed a seat for F1 team Williams in 2000. It was a bitter ending to a fairytale eight-year romance though: the barmaid reportedly claimed she had a secret abortion in a bid to save their relationship."

so a half truth again.

and on the Whitmarsh thing. I shall take your word as good but once again a half truth when its used to show that Whitmarsh dislikes Lewis.

If you talk to or about members of this forum in that patronising manner again, we will consider it rude and issue you with a formal warning.
I get the impression that half, if not most of the comments in this thread come with a narcissistic notion of being better at arguing than the other person rather than being a sensible debate about the merits and pitfalls of the two drivers in question.

Why won't some members accept that their 'opposition' have made their choice (and vice versa) and stop cyber flagellating themselves in a desperate attempt of one-upmanship.

I quite enjoy reading and digesting a debate about the two drivers in question but this place is practically rendered impotent due to the mindset and approach some contributors take.
Can I just extend a olive branch to one and all here. I don't want people to think I'm fighting hard on points because I dislike Lewis Hamilton and I know it seems to come across that way. What I dislike is manipulation of facts to try and prove a point so if I seem a bit demanding when asking for proof of this or proof of that its because I'm so sick of being led round the garden path by people wanting their opinion to be considered truth.

I'm not going to start dissing Hamiltonites and Buttonites and lumping people into piles because it silly. I understand why both drivers have such hardcore fans because they both have immense skills and actually are very likable people in different ways. All I'll ask is please don't let your fandom get in the way of facts - its part of being a fan that sometimes you have to take the defeats and bad things on the chin and believe me it makes it all the sweeter when they finally triumph (Notts County are my team Football wise so I know!) but trying to justify the wrongs with analysis and theories and rubbishing their opponent by suggesting they've always been about "giving it all that, playing the fame and getting the chicks" isn't going to do yourself any favours. Just think how you'd react if someone said that about your fave driver?

At the end of the day you're favourite driver is only as good as his opposition anyways.
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