Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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This thread has (long ago) turned into a circular argument between the same few members, mostly about the posters rather than discussing the drivers.

Let's draw a line under it now and wait for the next race to discuss the two drivers.
Any more posts on the same repeated points from now on will be removed.
Here is something Martin Whitmarsh has said during practice for Bahrain. Id love to hear people's views on it, particularly the bits Ive bolded.

"It's a dusty circuit so everyone waits a little bit and you only try to run with one set of tyres," Whitmarsh said. "We were just looking at general overall vehicle balance and just starting to do our setup programme which we'll really start in earnest this afternoon. Both drivers are reasonably happy with the balance, I think we need to work on traction and grip here but that's really why we've got the data from this morning and we can be ready this afternoon."

Whitmarsh admitted the main focus would be the tyres, as it had been this season, and admitted the differing styles between the two drivers meant it was a crucial factor in their respective performances.

"What we've got are very interesting dynamics in this team, and that is that Jenson is very experienced, super smart, great at using his tyres. In truth he's working and operating a team but he really wants to beat his team-mate. I think Lewis is learning as well, but there's no doubt this year has been about tyre pressures, tyre temperatures, really understanding how you get the best out of the tyre, how you get them up to temperature, how you really get the grip at both ends and then of course how you make the tyres last during a weekend."
Im sorry but if Martin Whitmarsh is letting one of his drivers practically run the team what chance has the other driver got. Im disgusted with Whitmarsh.....And he's stupid enough to admit its happenning!!
Interesting words from the horses mouth indeed

great at using his tyres? so far this season I believe LH has been better with geting the best out of his tyres so maybe LH is leaning a lot faster then Whitmarsh thinks

JB is operating a team?, hmmn does he mean a team within the team or does he mean the whole team, cleverly ambigious Martin, well done!

He really wants to beat his team mate? nothing new there, but it sounds like confirmation that JBs strategy is targetted soecifically at beating his team mate

One thing Im puzzled about is that McLaren seemed to point out previously that the tyre wear and usage of both drivers were practically the same despite their different styles

Funny that its JB that has had a mare with tyres so far this season and yet MW says 'this year is all about getting them to work' and how LH is still learning as well

I just dont understand why Whitmarsh constantly comes out with these types of statements, 'JB got in LHs head', 'LH is fragile and his bubble is burst' 'LH is an experiment' , talk about fanning the flames
racecub Talk about seeing what you want to see, (or not want) maybe Button is just far, far better at feedback and developing a team? After all he his far more experienced than Hamilton at it.
this is the reason why whitmarsh is a big fan of the tyres,coz he knows it can give jenson an advantage.
i have to say tho,on a certain other forum,many ppl are starting to complain about these new tyres.
im getting fed up of them too.they have become far too important,and limit the way each driver can drive.its like,unless you drive one way,the tyres wont work for you.or also unless the tyres are an exact temp they wont work properly,its ridiculous.
racecub Talk about seeing what you want to see, (or not want) maybe Button is just far, far better at feedback and developing a team? After all he his far more experienced than Hamilton at it.

i didnt see him develop brawn when the other teams caught up,instead we saw brawn fall back.
also what exactly is he far better at?so far this season he's complained about the tyres alot more than lewis.

Its not as simple as that though, why is he pointing out what is happening this year

I think Lewis is learning as well, but
but JB has the upperhand because he is better with tyres? and LH is trying to learn as well. This year JB has royally messed up with tyres finishing outside the points in the processs

In truth he's working and operating a team but he really wants to beat his team-mate
every driver wants to beat his teammate, it seems Whitmarsh is on a mission to create an impression of JB to the media, I dont know it just seems odd, you dont hear Horner tell the press that Webber is getting in Sebs head and messing it up do you, yet thats exactly what this guy says

just pointing out hypocrisy where and when it rears its head
lol, pot, kettle? Still smarting from before huh.

So neither of you can think of a reason other than gross stupidity or malicious intent?

Hmm, how about that its simply the way it has evolved inside Mclaren and Whitmarsh is simply pointing it out?

Its evolved inside McLaren that Jenson is leading the team? I'd class that under gross stupidity, if not for letting it happen then for broadcasting the fact.

Regarding the Brawn development I think the lack of development may have something to to with Ross Brawn saying they were operating on a shoestring and not investing heavily on further development within their maiden year with impending rule changes.

Hope that helps!
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