Here is something Martin Whitmarsh has said during practice for Bahrain. Id love to hear people's views on it, particularly the bits Ive bolded.
"It's a dusty circuit so everyone waits a little bit and you only try to run with one set of tyres," Whitmarsh said. "We were just looking at general overall vehicle balance and just starting to do our setup programme which we'll really start in earnest this afternoon. Both drivers are reasonably happy with the balance, I think we need to work on traction and grip here but that's really why we've got the data from this morning and we can be ready this afternoon."
Whitmarsh admitted the main focus would be the tyres, as it had been this season, and admitted the differing styles between the two drivers meant it was a crucial factor in their respective performances.
"What we've got are very interesting dynamics in this team, and that is that
Jenson is very experienced, super smart, great at using his tyres. In truth he's working and operating a team but he really wants to beat his team-mate. I think
Lewis is learning as well, but there's no doubt this year has been about tyre pressures, tyre temperatures, really understanding how you get the best out of the tyre, how you get them up to temperature, how you really get the grip at both ends and then of course how you make the tyres last during a weekend."

Im sorry but if Martin Whitmarsh is letting one of his drivers practically run the team what chance has the other driver got. Im disgusted with Whitmarsh.....And he's stupid enough to admit its happenning!!