Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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I have not said any of that about Hamton nor Button thank you. I quite frankly find it ridiculous that people automatically look for insult.

I am a Hamilton fan because I love his driving style, his frustration when rules and technology hf him back and I was delighted towards the end of the Chinese GP because I saw a bit of the old Hamilton whereas he's been more cautious because that's what this seasons F1 demands.

What I have said is fair of both drivers and as I've said both works.
This may be something unimaginable by some, but could it be that he meant that Jenson is managing the team of engineers around him very well, and Lewis is learning to do this as well? The rest of his quote about Jenson has nothing to do with infatuation as it's true. Unless I (and tby, and others) are infatuated with Jenson as well...
He can't erase that impression simply because it is repeated unnecessarily by some, unhindered by the burden of proof.

Unhindered by proof? Are you saying that there is NO evidence that MW;

talks more about JB even when LH is asked about ( but let's talk about Jenson)
Wept real tears in public at a JB win but not LH
Told the BBC red button forum in 2010 that he had agreed, if JB won a race he qualified badly in, that he would kiss him not just on both cheeks but inbetween:eek:
Thinks JB and LH are 'disturbingly good looking'
Said JB had messed up LHs head in conflict with LHs own version of events

I just don't remember ever ever hearing a manager so obviously rooting for one driver and so eager to justify said drivers employment

So who here truly believes MW does not prefer JB? that is not a big deal he employed JB and everyone has preferences and tastes, my issue is the possibility for unprofessionalism when it comes to doing the job of managing two top drivers in a team where strategy and data are provided to both equally by the team

I am not saying thre is corruption at work, not at all, just clinical naivety maybe, maybe in Quints words infatuation
This thread has once again been derailed by a discussion about Whitmarsh favouritism.

If it happens again those responsible will be barred from posting in it for good.

This thread is a discussion about the two drivers Hamilton and Button and their relative performances.

Absolutely final warning.
Add to that in Melbourne 2010 Jenson was no where on intermediates and had been overtaken by Lewis and was falling back therefore he had no choice but to gamble on going out early on slicks. I give him credit for the bravery and oportinism though.

In China 2010 though then I do give him complete credit for this call.
Sorry if I'm bringing a well beaten dead horse back to life but I remember in 2009 or 2010 - it doesn't really matter which - Whitmarsh said something like "We're throwing everything and the kitchen sink at developing the car." (paraphrasing) You know how many tenths saying that gained Mclaren? Zero. They just say shit. I don't know why, maybe more collumn inches is good for sponsors, I don't know, but these little soundbites are meaningless...and I can't sleep so I'm throwing my take on it out there and thanking the lord every little thing I say isn't analyzed so ruthlessly. Because I'm not married.
Then create a 'Martin Whitmarsh is in love with Jenson and hates Lewis'' thread cook and you and racecub can discuss it to your hearts content. This is a Hamilton vs Button thread.
Heard LH say his tyres were going off?
Yet once again Button is in first?
Oh bloody wonderfu Pit stop
Hamilton & rosberg...oh no...
Nico forced LH off the track?
Hope the stewards are not anti LH
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