Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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fair enough, but in those two races it wasnt because LH hasnt learnt to get the best out of his tyres

I really do not get the point of what Whitmarsh has said wrt to the tyres this year

for it to make sense, LH should have done worse with tyres than JB so far this season
However, it is more disingenuous to say that Button has "royally messed up" with tyres when he has a win and a second this year.

He mentioned that Hamilton was improving; that's what we've seen isn't it? You would be a fool, Cookinflatsix, to suggest that Button wasn't reknowned for tyre usage; thats something that goes back years.
"What we've got are very interesting dynamics in this team, and that is that Jenson is very experienced, super smart, great at using his tyres. In truth he's working and operating a team but he really wants to beat his team-mate. I think Lewis is learning as well, but there's no doubt this year has been about tyre pressures, tyre temperatures, really understanding how you get the best out of the tyre, how you get them up to temperature, how you really get the grip at both ends and then of course how you make the tyres last during a weekend."
Im sorry but if Martin Whitmarsh is letting one of his drivers practically run the team what chance has the other driver got. Im disgusted with Whitmarsh.....And he's stupid enough to admit its happenning!!

Or maybe he meant with "a team" the Button side of the pitbox, meaning that Button is taking control of that team, so that he gets the maximum results. Which is what I would expect from a F1-driver. And with his addendum that Lewis is learning as well, he meant that Lewis is learning to do that now.

So basically what teabagyokel said.
Actually, after finding the quote on ESPN F1 (Not necessarily one of the more respectable F1 publications), it seems to me that they've missed a few words out - it would make much more sense saying "In truth, he's working and operating as part of a team, but he really wants to beat his team-mate" - it certainly wouldn't be the first time that that site had got things not quite right.... - isn't that the old F1-live site?
I can't help but feel that you have read into it what you wanted to really: I.e. that Martin Whitmarsh prefers Jenson to Lewis. All I read was another sound bite posted on a website desperate to provide a bit of copy to pad out their pages.

If it's not on Autosport, then frankly it's not news (in my humble opinion).
JB has generally made more calls regarding his own tyre strategy than Lewis who prefers to focus on other aspects of racing such as ragging every last drop of performance. Jenson commands his team, Lewis relies on them. Both work. Tyres are proving more important, both are learning...

Lewis has always been a tactical 'let me go racing' type whereas Jenson is more strategic.

Failing to see wtf all the fuss is about.
"JB has generally made more calls regarding his own tyre strategy than Lewis" That wasnt bourne out by the transcripts from Malaysia.
The "lets go racing" approach has lead to 3 3rd places and leading the championship so far.
Whitmarsh is a bit of a shitstirrer to be honest, and not just going by the above mentioned quotes, and he simply can't erase the impression that he's infatuated with Jenson. I still belive LH is on his way out of McLaren - 'pushed rather than jumped'.
JB has generally made more calls regarding his own tyre strategy than Lewis who prefers to focus on other aspects of racing such as ragging every last drop of performance. Jenson commands his team, Lewis relies on them. Both work. Tyres are proving more important, both are learning...

Lewis has always been a tactical 'let me go racing' type whereas Jenson is more strategic.

Failing to see wtf all the fuss is about.

nonsense,these are just myths.
and look at what ppl say about each driver,i find it slightly distrubing.

lewis is agressive
he's not very clever
he's not a leader.
whereas jensons clever
he's a leader
he's very smooth.

jenson makes one good tyre call,because he had NO choice,wins a race and then all of a sudden he is a great leader and makes more calls regarding strategy.
truth is all drivers rely on their team when it comes to strategy.because the drivers do not know whats going on unless the team tell them.
we've heard lewis is the past desperately asking for information on his radio because they wernt giving him the information he needed.if your team does this,how can you make the right calls?
also we know that lewis sometimes argues with his engineers about setup.
also i have seen no evidence that jenson makes more calls regarding tyre strategy,and i have seen no evidence to make me believe lewis doesnt or cant command a team.
noone ever said jenson commanded teams before he joined mclaren.
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