Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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I have also changed how I feel about the mcLaren situation in the light of discussion , more information coming to light and asking questions. To not consider all options, to not be flexible about situations, to not be prepared to look at the whole picture, to not be able to admit that others have a point worth considering is to approach a subject with a closed mind . Having a closed mind is not conducive to getting close to the truth of the situation, having an open mind is.
Such as this one? #938
What id like to know is why aren’t the people who questioned and criticised Mclaren for stopping Button first when he was behind Hamilton in the previous races questioning and criticising Mclaren for stopping Hamilton when he was behind Button at the last race?

I means fairs fair, same rule applies for both drivers right?
:givemestrength:Questions as to why Lewis appears to get less favoured strategies around pitstops.

Can I make the suggestion that we change this sort of wording.

How about Lewis seems to be more impacted by poor strategic decisions?

The vast majority of posters do not believe, and are not likely to believe without a post from Martin Whitmarsh, that Lewis is getting less favoured on anything. There is a larger number who feel that he has had bad luck through strategy decisions or just bad luck, and there are obviously those who also believe that we are viewing a level playing field.

Perhaps if our opinions did not point the finger of blame there's the odd chance we could all see the facts, apparent or otherwise, being aired.
:givemestrength:Questions as to why Lewis appears to get less favoured strategies around pitstops.
Show this. There is no conclusive evidence that has been presented that LH consistently gets less favoured strategies. Certainly none that I have seen. If you can present statistically significant evidence that there is a consistent favouring towards one driver or the other, then maybe people will ask questions - baring in mind that ALL races have to be taken into account, not just a convenient subsample... Until then, the question is moot!
I don't need statistics or proof to tell me that LH has been disadvantaged on average and has had worse service since JB arrived, this is my observation and subjective opinion and belief, I know many others agree with me and on this very site there have been countless posts pointing out McLaren not appearing to be as good since changing the pitwall info flow arrangement and harmonising things with the arrival of JB

It would be nice to discuss this with others who feel the same without been berated
As far as having to provide proof that LH has lost out more than JB than can be ascribed to luck, all I can say is that it was reported that LH himself 'had a word' with the team about this very issue

Also ad hominem insults against others just because they dare to speculate is not conducive to the spirit of any discussion forum

Would be better if once presented with a speculation that sounds like 'tosh' to you, either ignore it or prove its 'tosh' don't just turn up say its tosh then run for the hills

Anyways I would say we are all done on this aspect so let's concentrate on wether JBs experience and guile can overcome LHs blistering natural speed especially as he is now adding a willingness to settle for a podium if the win becomes risky
and also help you communicate your beliefs better. Plus, you never know, if you bother to look at the stats and facts rather than just sticking to the fact that you're right and ner ner ner ner ner then you might discover something new that might change the way you think.

Isn't that why most of get involved in debates on forums?
I have a question, prior to Button's arrival at McLaren we had the driver pairings of Hamilton and Kovalainen and before that Alonso and Hamilton. Now McLaren have always claimed to give both their drivers equal treatment, but do people believe that in those previous driver pairings from 2007 to 2009 that both of their drivers were consistently given equal opportunities?
There isn't any real evidence that McLaren currently favour one driver over another, it's just in my opinion past history has shown that they sometimes do, eg. Kovalainen having to qualify on heavier fuel than Hamilton or getting upgrades a race later than him. Formula One is a business rather than a sport and all the top teams sometimes favour one driver, most obviously Ferrari and Red Bull in recent times. McLaren are a company that try to meticulously control every aspect of their team, so having 2 drivers with completely different styles, tendencies and characters in and out of the car even if they wanted to I think it would be impossible to realistically give them the same opportunities in a team. So I'm just keeping an open mind as to the current situation at McLaren and await to see the outcome of the season
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