Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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I love the idea of comparing the view from the mirrors on a family saloon on the motorway with an F1 car, vibrating like crazy at 150mph and the driver looking through the letterbox that is there helmet whilst the spray from the car in front covers their visor. ROFL

Ah well, whatever suits your argument. I reckon if you get the in car voice recording from Button's car you can quite clearly hear him say ""Up yours Hamilton, this is my team now. EAT WALL!" and then wrenches the steering wheel across to run into him.
Oh Jenson's slicker than that!! "WHAT'S HE DOING!!!!" was a far more effective cry.
I'm surprised this thread is still going...

But it is quite interesting nevertheless LOL

I just dont understand why it's mostly about LH, this thread is about JB vs LH, each have their own strengths and we are lucky to see too such different styles and abilities clash in he same car

So LH has blistering pace as his ace card, JB has a smooth consistent style and wise head on his side

From the last race though we saw JB, even after gifted the lead make a schoolboy error, get impatient and in his own words turn it into a day where everything went wrong for him and he ended up outside the points

LH in the other hand, after the team cockup that cost him the lead, got his head down and calmly and consistently stayed out of trouble and did the best he could of his situation and grabbed the points instead of going for glory and crashing into someone

Are we about to see another twist in the battle of the disturbing McLaren boys?
Well Jenson in one race had two incidents one where he did not see the car in his mirrors allegedly how many did Lewis Hamilton have

more than 1 at least last year all the wheel banging and mostly with Massa and Maldonado

I very much doubt Hamilton would have done anything different if the roles were reversed had Jenson tried to pull the move

Also the on board camera showed Lewis never got alongside Jenson to make it a passable move

His move had a low chance of being pulled off and was born out of the fact he made a mistake passing Schumacher and desperately tried to get back ahead of Jenson. Even he admitted he did not pace himself in the race

After China when Lewis got by Jenson pretty aggressively...Jenson knew this time not to be soft touch..and tested Lewis to the point if he kept coming without backing off they both will crash.

I see this as no different to what Alonso or Schumacher would do. Jenson was right to stick to his line and defend it and was not weaving
I just dont understand why it's mostly about LH, this thread is about JB vs LH, each have their own strengths and we are lucky to see too such different styles and abilities clash in he same car

So LH has blistering pace as his ace card, JB has a smooth consistent style and wise head on his side

From the last race though we saw JB, even after gifted the lead make a schoolboy error, get impatient and in his own words turn it into a day where everything went wrong for him and he ended up outside the points

LH in the other hand, after the team cockup that cost him the lead, got his head down and calmly and consistently stayed out of trouble and did the best he could of his situation and grabbed the points instead of going for glory and crashing into someone

Are we about to see another twist in the battle of the disturbing McLaren boys?

Sensible comments and opinions invited (Il Leone, I know we can depend on you to put forward an opinion about the driver you support)

The Mclaren boys have not gone seriously wheel to wheel yet because the first two races have been interrupted by the weather and SC

Although the pest Alonso upsetted things winning on Sunday. If China is dry I expect the Mclarens to be on the front row again with Mercedes pushing them in quali at least and maybe Lotus

Red Bull are struggling for grip for 1 lap speed

last year China Hamilton did win the race but Button made an error in the pits and cost him a podium. This was the race that finally got Jenson to realise he has to be prepared to fight Lewis harder and let him know he's not going to be dominated

I do remember some people rubbished Button after this race as possible championship contender
Not to be a pedant, but Hamilton didn't hit Button in the back.

Button actually moved over into Hamilton - that can be seen in the video on the previous page.

My bad about the hit up the back but Button must have felt the nudge from Hamilton's front wheel

Then it would be Hamilton's duty to back off to avoid crash... Schumacher has done worse doing his infamous last minute chop across and breaking the wing off the other car

It was like Hamilton's car was a magnet to Button's car and edging towards the wall

Ultimately Button and Mclaren won which was a relief for the team especially as it was at the expense of Vettel which made it even sweeter

Unlike Red Bull , Mclaren kept the matter behind closed doors and did not start slanging matches of accusations which is one of the issues a team principal has to learn to deal with

Will they ever be Senna vs Prost ...that depends on if they are both going into the last race in a winners takes all status and start getting paranoid about conspiracies against them
Not to be a pedant, but Hamilton didn't hit Button in the back.

Button actually moved over into Hamilton - that can be seen in the video on the previous page.

At least he won't go for the Schumacher tactic which is to say " He tried to take me out or kill me " like he did with Damon Hill all the time
The Mclaren boys have not gone seriously wheel to wheel yet because the first two races have been interrupted by the weather and SC

Although the pest Alonso upsetted things winning on Sunday. If China is dry I expect the Mclarens to be on the front row again with Mercedes pushing them in quali at least and maybe Lotus

Red Bull are struggling for grip for 1 lap speed

Agree, although McLaren are fastest with the double lock out, if Vettel had not been tagged by Karth, the pesky Alonso and the finger boy would be first and second in the table. If the team continue like this once Red Bull and Ferrari get their acts together the only thing LH and JB will be fighting is themselves.

Hopefully we can see a decisive winner emerge sooner rather than later, at least giving one a chance against SV and FA,
As has been pointed out before there has been a little bit of a role reversal between these 2 this year. Although it's early days Button has made the rookie error and Hamilton has been Mr. Consistent.
Saying that Button is still making the better strategy calls and this is where the problems are for Hamilton. In previous years Hamilton could make up for the not so good strategy by out and out race pace, this year Button seems to have better race pace than him - not sure why ? If Hamilton doesn't improve his race pace he will be beaten again this year, mistakes by Button are rare so Hamilton needs to be fast in the race as well as qauli.
I'd like to see Hamilton do well as I'm a fan but that's how I see it so far.
How could anyone ever forget Lewis?

Hi Jen,

Welcome back

How can anyone forget LH? From the transcripts it looks to me as though the team are desperate to please Button and involve him in the decision making, at the same time it seems that LH gets whatever is left

That's what those transcripts say to me

When we look at the transcripts in context with last year a pattern seems to emerge, LH left out an extra lap to accommodate JB who missed his slot plus other things. What's the explanation I think only McLaren know

Some have suggested that it's pure incompetence from the team, others that LH might already have agreed to leave the team

it doesn't have to be the team sabotaging one driver, just a team infatuated with one driver and leaving the other to twist in the wind

Just my opinion and observation Jen
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