I have to start by saying anything that can make the drivers safer in the car is a good thing, but should be considered in the light of what it means to the sport. Making the cars slower overall makes he drivers safer, but does anyone actually want to pay to go watch a race of Smart Cars running round Silverstone (actually that would be quite funny for a while, but never a serious race).
Canopies on cars are a good and bad thing, and we should not be looking at jet fighters for justification to apply them here as the situation is completely different (if your jet fighter is upside down on the ground with you inside it, count yourself lucky for surviving the crash in the first place).
Please consider that the only sure fire way to have a quick release system on any canopy which will still work in a crash situation reliably is explosive bolts. Manual catches or anything that is done by hand is out as any crash could damage the release mechanism and therefore trap a driver inside the cockpit. The explosive bolt system would need to be automatic as manual triggers are not the best idea inside a cramped F1 car, and external triggers can be set off accidentally by flying debris. So we end up with a canopy with explosive bolt release that is automatically triggered by an accident. You cannot rely on a driver to eject an virtually unbreakable canopy from an internal switch as in the case of Bianchi he would have been unconscious and it would have delayed medical assistance being able to reach him.
Not so bad so far, until you add this in, every accident that ends up with the car upright and unrestricted would mean a red flag due to flying canopies on the track. Any accident that ended up like Bianchis would do more damage to the driver as the system tried to eject the canopy and all the force of the ejection is contained under a crane inside the car. As for a car upside down the best case scenario is that the force is contained within the car, worst case is the contrary pressure between the ground and the canopy ejection causes massive failure of the covering showering everyone with shards of canopy or that the ejection cause the car to move further, in some areas with little run off pushing it back onto the live track in front of oncoming cars.
The only reason why canopies work on jet fighters is that they are in the air with no restrictions around them. On a car they are not good and definitely not safer.
Come up with something that works and is safer and I will embrace it whole heartedly, but the canopy idea is more dangerous than no canopy and will cause more injuries than it saves. Sorry, just the way it is