
Some of your time trials look to be at that sort of pace, gethinceri

At the moment, I intend to be pounding the roads through the winter, and in the Gym during the week to build everything up ready for next year. In reality, I shall probably get out when it is not raining and not too cold, supplemented with 2 days every 6 weeks in the gym.

Job done!!
Some photos from the weekend:

At the bottom of Whitedown hill


I don't know try and pay someone a compliment and what do you get? Thrown back in your face that's what, well I shall just not bloody well bother in the future, :bawl: I'm off to Nidd c ya...
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I think maybe my clem has been redistributed.

Oh and gethinceri I was being ridiculously cautious as ever, my experience is that the downhill bits of these rides tend to end abruptly in a pile of gravel round a corner, or a junction to a busy road, so I was probably barely moving!!
Tenner to true the wheel, about £40 for tyre, about £5 for the tube.
Not that any of it's done yet, that bike's on holiday until the spring, I've just put 'guards on this one for the shitty winter roads.
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My brother and I did The Standard, 85 miler The Pits. My brother's in the video, the fat Welsh bastard.
The route was great, not as tough as The Mendips that you dragged UCY round, you'll really enjoy it.
I'll think about joining you, I'll let you know in the New Year.
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