2014 driver line up market

He's just average. Not completely useless, but also no future World Champion. But I would have described Jenson Button exactly like that in 2008:whistle:
And I agree with you on PdR! But what does that say about Hulkenberg? There was not much between them in 2012, was there?
From what I remember it was pretty even in the first half of the season but Hulkenberg dominated Di Resta in the latter stages of 2012.
If you are not following the A Hamilton vs Di Resta case it appears the evidence of blackberries and laptops with details of the supposed sponsorship deal with the energy drinks company has disappeared since A Hamilton moved house - no insurance claim has been filed :whistle::thinking:

Martin Whitmarsh apparently had to give evidence as a witness but he also quoted that drivers with money have more weight than drivers with talent alone

Sounds like he's not sorry he basically shoved Perez at the head of the queue to VJ with money


Di Resta was a good match for Hulkenberg until the latter season of 2012 but it is very difficult to put him forward for a top team drive if he does not make most of the opportunities and show it when it mattered. Force India have been at fault for costing him a lot of points by botched pit stops , botched quali runs and not giving him a car to do it. At the same time Paul has not helped himself by moaning he deserved a top drive


I remember Webber making those sort of noises but was lucky a lifeline because Flav managed to push him to Red Bull along with Renault engines

You sometimes wonder if Di Resta and Hamilton did not have fall out perhaps then he might have got himself a Mclaren drive possibly

I know Di Resta was managed by Button's manager but really unless he is prepared to drive for Caterham then I think he is out of F1 unless a freak event occurs like Maldonado gets sacked ( unlikely!!!) or Kimi decided he will quit F1 rather than soldering around in 15th place or so

Paul may have to sit out a season
Can I just point out Hulk didn't only just beat Di Resta. Hulk scored 63 points and PdR scored 46. Meaning Nico got 25% more points that the Scot.

Throw in the fact that Hulkenberg had just spent a year out the sport and was very much in Di Resta's team and I think you can safely say it was a sound beating.
I did say Di resta did not make most of his opportunities and it appears his value is diminishing at the moment barring a freak event he is going to have sit on the sidelines for this season
He'll not be back. He could have been as dour as he liked, if he'd performed better, as teams would've beat a path to his door in that event. The fact that they're not (none of them, apparently!) should tell us everything we need to know frankly.

Sadly, mere flashes of very-good-ness (none of his better results really merited the epithet of "brilliance") just aren't going to cut it in modern F1 anymore- particularly if you don't have a lucrative sponsorship arrangement.

The saddest thing is that Martin Whitmarsh is quite right- he probably does deserve a seat- but if a colossal prat like Maldonado can outbid Hulk to the Lotus seat on the basis of his sugar-daddy millions, then how is someone as low-key and impecunious as PdR ever going to move up the grid? He's not going to, basically. And that means you either tread water in the desperate hope of wringing giant-killing results out of a Sauber, Toro Rosso or Force India, or fall into the clutches of Marussia & Caterham and fade into obscurity. Better perhaps then, to seek employment across the pond, where his cousin could put in a good word for him...
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Wasn't sure where to put this. Still I thought it was relevant to this thread. Interesting to see Sutil in among the backmarkers.

teabagyokel chilton was usually behind Bianchi in races and everyone thinks he's in F1 because of his dad's money not his talent

no-FIAt-please the only thing Sutil did notable was apart from leading the first race was trying to settle old scores with Hamilton by deliberately blocking him in races like in Canada when he was a complete dickhead and cost himself and team points for ignoring blue flags
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