2014 / 2015 Silly Season. Drivers Market.


A transcript of the Friday press conference as referenced by FB a few posts back. You can almost sense the exasperation in the room from the Journo's as the smaller teams argue the case for cost caps / cuts and the bigger teams argue for sweet FA.

FB is rigth, Boulilier's about face since last year makes you want to throw up.

Enstone's Gerard Lopez is spot on when talking about how much is spent to provide so little advancement.

No one will commit to anything next season though.

The best line is that the bigger teams want the authorities to deal with it, knwoing full well that the FIA can't and that Bernie won't. While the little teams want the other teams to agree.

The bigger teams claim it's not for the teams to decide the rules to which everyone can almost be heard going cough Ferrari cough.

And the silly season rumbles on with another pile of un-answered questions.
Simple maths example:

2013 - Agent aranges 30 million pounds a year taking 10 percent for his efforts.

2014 - Driver sacks agent

Driver offers team new deal for 29 million pounds a year.

Team pay a million less, driver gets 2 million more. Agent crawls back under rock where he belongs. :)
Reading that statement two things spring to mind, given that he's been on rocky ground with CVC it was an interesting move to shunt the blame their way. Secondly, given that the financial set up specifically benefits Ferrari more than any other team, what have they done to piss him off?

As with any of Bernies announcement it should be treated with a massive dose of sceptisism. He speeks with a forked tongue.
Sounds like a spin to me something any backwater politician would say.
  • Situation, smaller teams threatening to not race due to the disparity of the prise money pay out.
  • Problem, Bernie cannot afford another American race where teams pull out as it would kill his American dream.
  • Bernie's response, yes something needs to be done and it is partly my fault.
  • Result, all the available teams race this weekend.
  • End game, Bernie gets what he wants.
  • Future, Bernie shafts the smaller teams in favour of three car mega teams after the final race.
  • Final result, Bernie has screwed F1 again for his own purposes..
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What Bernie is saying is pretty simple:
1. I know what the problem is = we all know what the problem is, the money distribution is wrong
2. It's probably my fault = it is my fault, and I don't care who knows it
3. I can't fix it = I'm not giving up any of my share to pay the small teams more
4. If enough people want it resolved we can resolve it = the big teams have to take less

I agree with him on 3 out of the 4 points.
Greenlantern101 That would be a good thing for Lewis because when he first signed up with Fuller who is better known for the music industry.. everyone was aghast he went with a guy who is more interested in promoting a brand and therefore it questioned whether Lewis was serious about his F1 or interested in going to all these parties to make himself new friends and contacts

Lewis is mature enough to now know what legacy he wants to leave in F1 ... I doubt he wants to be remembered like James Hunt or Eddie Irvine so finally he is taking control of his own destiny which he believes will be with Mercedes
Regarding what Bernie has said

- He needs to be seen that he recognises the situation
- He needs to show he does not favour the big teams
- He needs to be seen that there is hope for small teams and be on their side
- He needs to show he is not losing control of F1

Its all political but it appears Mercedes seems to have a huge say in the direction of F1
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