2014 / 2015 Silly Season. Drivers Market.

His "obvious" decision is that, since he miscalculated badly in F1, he will be racing in the Le Mans series next season.
Titch might be right. Maybe he's just having a laugh at us all speculating wildly.

Ok, so here's an ambitious plan. He is teaming up with Vettel and they are buying Ferrari with Santander's (and maybe Bernie's) money. It fits.

1) we know Fiat is selling 10% through an IPO. Companies (especially F1 companies) announce an IPO when they really want to sell lock stock and barrel.

2) that would be pretty ambitious. Like going to the moon (Greenlantern101 )

3) and obvious, maybe :thinking:

4) and fit with Vettel's "you'll be clever enough to understand why I had to wait"

I reckon that it. Must be.
Interesting comment from Hamilton on 5-Live this evening. When commenting on the two missing teams he said (as best as I can remember) "with the future changes coming in F1 I hope they (the Marussia and Caterham drivers) find a seat in F1. One of them could end up here next season". Now that could just mean future financial changes or test contracts but it could also be speculation about three car teams. I find it unlikely that one of the remaining Marussia or Caterham drivers would end up at Mercedes. Just found the wording interesting that's all.
Is it only me who remembers Montezemolo stating that Bianchi was going to be driving the third Ferrari next year? I recon three car teams is a done deal...
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The coming of three car teams could also be the reason Marussia and Caterham have gone tits up at such short notice after all they can barely afford to run two cars let alone three and now there are rumblings of JEV keeping his seat at Toro Rosso, another indicator that there will be more seats available next year...
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Well it would certainly explain why there seems to be more pegs than holes at the moment and why, when most teams would have announced their line ups for next year by now, there is stoney silence even though we know for certain drivers are on the move.
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last time a silly season created this much talk must be 1992 when Senna, Prost and Mansell wanted the Williams drive

2009 when so many drivers were out of contract I did not think it created that much stir until both Button and Raikkonen were stalling on their contracts
At the end of 2008 Button nearly shot himself in the foot when he bought himself out of his Williams contract and then Honda pulled out, and look how that turned out for 2009

Button initially was signed on a long term contract at Williams for 2000 onwards. However, Frank had three drivers contracted, and two seats, so button was farmed out to Benetton, but with the promise of returning in 2003.

However, Frank welched on the deal, and kept Montoya and Scmacher, but still had Button under contract.

Finally, in 2004, Button impressed Frank enough for him to try and recall him; however BAR also had a contract with Buttonc. The CRB ruled that BAR had the first claim on Button for 2005, but that Williams would have the claim for 2006. button had claimed that he was free to move as there was uncertainty about Honda's continued participation with BAR.

At the end of 2005, Button bought out his Williams contract to continue with BAR/Honda...
Yeah you are right soz.


Someone else claimed on here that Honda paid some stupid money to pay off Williams and that is blatantly not true Button paid out of his own pocket.
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