Bugger, I was trying to come up with a good analogy but couldn't think of one so I posed a hypothetical one. If it's confusing then it detracts from my point, Ah well never mind.
The fact remains, there is a two time world champion who has burnt his bridges, and is carrying around a sign that says ex-world champion for hire. With Vettel having taken 40 kilo's of TNT to his Red Bull bridge and blown it to bits, he has to move to Ferrari or he's knackered. Merc will keep the drivers they have because they may not fully get on as much now but at least the team know what they are dealing with. McLaren have no idea what they want and are waiting to find out what's going on and poor old Fernando has left himself twisting in the breeze.
With the end of season test just a few weeks away, surely someone is going to have to blink soon.