2014 / 2015 Silly Season. Drivers Market.

Il_leone ...... You clearly believe the blackmail story. Sorry that was fabricated or certainly exaggerated by the tabloid press who early in the season found a new hero to write about. Alonso was always going to be the bad guy. The question is, how can you blackmail someone when the information your threatening to expose is already in the hands of the FIA. Blackmail is only possible if you have something new and unknown to people you can hurt. That was not the case. I go back to my original comment, why spoil a good story with the truth.
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I can't see any reason at all why Alonso would be contemplating a move to Mercedes in 2016. Everyone has been playing guessing games and have zeroed in on the Mercedes drive due to an article initially published on the BBC website, which some believe gives the story credibility. Two factors, one, I don't believe Mercedes will want to change their driver lineup. Both Hamilton and Mercedes have shown a wish for a long term relationship and Mercedes will always like to balance that with a German driver, Rosberg fits the bill perfectly. If Rosberg and Hamilton can survive there first season together Mercedes will feel confident they can continue without a major falling out. The other factor, I have my reasons to believe Alonso won't be interested in a Mercedes drive. Mercedes won't have everything their own way moving forward, Alonso will realise that and will have his own plans which won't include Mercedes.
No point in asking me where he might be headed, I have no more idea than anyone else but i'd be happy to put money on him not driving for Mercedes in the future.
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On the GP preview on 5Live last night Vettel was quoted as saying that his new job at Ferrari will be confirmed shortly and we will all understand the reason for the delay. Intriguing.
Alonso has come out with this:
I have a very ambitious plan in my head for my future. I think that this is the best thing for Ferrari as well.

It's all very cryptic, the quotes seem to suggest a three car Ferrari team or Kimi being given the boot perhaps, but I just don't know.
Kewee It is blackmail when the FIa did not have the full information in front of them which is what Alonso was saying he will disclose if he was not No 1

Secondly the Mercedes drive - the best car on the grid - Alonso needs it as some sort of bargaining power with Mclaren or other potential teams who want to sign him to drive up his salary earnings as long as his reputation is still in tact

He would signed for Mclaren now if the Merc drive was not on. Mercedes want the the best drivers around and at least 1 of them has to be German. Still three races to go and if we see a Senna - Prost style controversy then things can change quickly in F1 as Alonso himself showed at Mclaren despite signing what was a watertight contract for 3 years
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Having said that about three car teams I'm really not sure Vettel would have agreed to go to Ferrari now if Alonso was still going to be there.
If you add together Alonso's "my decision will seem obvious" from 12th October with Vettel's "When the thing is out, you are probably clever enough to understand why I had to wait," from 9th October we have the basis for the puzzle.

So, there is a "thing" in both their decisions that when it is "out" will mean we understand the "delay" and the "obvious" decision that Alonso has (already) made.

So what's that thing?
1) 3 car teams
2) Kimi getting fired
3) McLaren naming Santander as a sponsor
4) ...?

For me, Alonso signing for McLaren would not pass the "obvious" test. Obvious would be either staying in a 3 car team at Ferrari or moving to Merc. I'm not even sure that I would "understand" Vettel's delay, unless Fernando is actually staying in a 3 car team / without Kimi.
The 3 options that pass the cryptic "it will be obvious why I had to wait" comments for me are 3 car teams and Kimi getting fired, like you say, plus the announcement of a new team. However, there's problems with all of them that makes me think they're just toying with us and it's all smoke and mirrors whilst we wait for lawyers to finish the paperwork before Alonso is announced at McLaren and Vettel is confirmed at Ferrari. The problems are:

1) 3 car teams - I don't think Vettel would have left Red Bull to play second fiddle to/take on Alonso. Surely he'd prefer to take on Ricciardo as team mate and with a stronger chassis? Also, although I know it's in the concorde agreement I'm not convinced that behind the scenes 3 car teams is so certain for 2015 that Ferrari went out and signed Vettel. In my mind the sequence of events was surely 1) Alonso says he wants to leave, 2) Ferrari sign Vettel.

2) Kimi getting fired - He has a contract for 2015 (and probably the year after according to him). They paid him off before but I'm really not sure I see it happening again and apart from speculation on places like this I don't think I've seen any rumours in the media.

3) New team - For Alonso to be interested it would have to be a new manufacturer with big funding. There are the Audi rumours but it's too late for them to enter in 2015 without us knowing by now. Why would Alonso sit out for a year to gamble on a completely new team in 2016? It's a huge risk, far bigger than taking a risk with McLaren. Unless of course the door to McLaren isn't as open as we think it is and neither party are ready to forget about 2007 yet.

I just don't get it...
'Very ambitious'

I assume he is going to the moon.

Screen Shot 2014-10-31 at 15.47.49.png
He's going to build his own car !
Santander are going to build him a car.
He's going to manage Ferrari racing.
He's starting his own team....
Have I forgotten anything?
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