2014 / 2015 Silly Season. Drivers Market.

I first noticed it from the guy who makes the mini drivers series. He's got a contact who works for Ferrari and he posted a fairly cryptic tweet about it.

@fondeportago: Y qué esperabas? Le diste con la puerta en las narices a tu mejor empleado... Ya es demasiado tarde. Ev.s.S.Lucas http://t.co/6suNbM1YFb

This roughly translates as: What do you expect, you closed the door to your best employee.

The Italian version of GP update were the 1st to actually mention something and it seems that there will be announcement between Singapore and Russia.


Or it could all just be bollocks.
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I actually think a Vettel-Alonso swap makes a lot of sense for those two guys. Much more than Fernando heading back to McLaren anyway.

Personally, from a competitive standpoint, I don't mind having Alonso neutralized at Ferrari and now that Seb is paired with a competent partner at RBR he'll never have things all his own way again, so from a Merc perspective the status quo is far preferable.

Alonso in a Red Bull is a fairly frightening prospect.
It would certainly put him up there but not sure about 'greatest' just yet until he shows je can do it with a title on the line.

It would certainly mand Kimi would probably be confined to the 'over rated' pile.
So Vettel feels threatened in the same machinery so to avoid this he could be changing to a slower car with one of his other main rivals taking his place in his current faster car.

I don't think it is Vettel driving this potential change.
Just had an interesting point made by a guy at work. If Vettel heads to Ferrari now then the team which obviously needs restructuring can be built around him. There's always the potential of a Schumacheresque period of domination if they get it right.
What if Seb has already had his 'Schumacher-est' time and he's heading into an 'Alonso-est' time of frustrating underachievement despite all your best efforts?
Surely Seb will be leaving a team that is built around him to start all over again...
better to get the team he has working again; after all it has less distance to go in that respect.
Perhaps Seb knows, or at least suspects, that RBR will commence a period of decline with Adrian Newey moving to other projects. If that were true, coupled with the fact that he has already hinted in the past that he would love to drive for Ferrari at some point in his career, then the time might now be right for such a move.

or it could all still be bollocks.
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