You know you're obsessed with F1 when...

...on arriving at your hotel in Tunisia for a week's holiday, you infuriate the missus by insisting on watching the Brazilian GP (in German) before unpacking...

Haha - I like this one.

You know your obsessed when you get up and watch all the build up before the beginning of the race in the middle of the night for both the Qualifying and Race.
Bet you wish you could though!
Obviously! Who wouldn't...
If I were your teacher Id give you full marks for creativity and ask for a report about it for your assignment:D
Luckily you aren't, and it would be half hearted along the lines of 'It was silver, with a step at the nose, with a nice front wing...'
If you were studying sculpture I'd tell you to get back into class and would use the Merc as an example of what you might end up producing with the wrong influences.
And the rest of the presentation on beautifully designed F1 cars!
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