What will be with 2020 season?

How many Grand Prix will be in the 2020 Formula 1 season?

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Race Winner
I think that many of the early races will be cancelled, and that although they might run some races at the end of the season, it won’t officially be a championship this season.
I hope I’m wrong.
I doubt we will see a race in Australia, Vietnam or China. Bahrain will be the end of season race, and the Spanish GP will be a double header race with the Netherlands that will be run between the race in Hungary and Belgium.
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The polls shows from 22 down to 1 and includes at the bottom a poll for "The season will be cancelled"

No way they would cancel the season, they may cancel one or few races, but doubtful they would cancel the whole season.

I'm guessing a likelihood of between 17 to 20 races, but no way I'm voting for "The season will be cancelled"
I have voted for "The Season Will Be Cancelled" because, based on 40 years' F1 fanaticism, the teams will have a massive problem with the schedule, ability to agree on how many races count, whether points are points, if points should be awarded if races are cancelled/postponed etc etc etc
So, although races go ahead, they won't be "valid".
Well, right now if the reporting is correct (and I have no way of knowing that)....the Chinese are reporting less than 25 new cases a day and this is has been the case for a week. So.....it appears that they have mostly contained it. Does that mean in a few weeks, they can start operating more normal? Maybe. The same may also be the case for Singapore and Japan....as appears to already be the case for Vietnam. So they and other places may be able to host races in the second half of this year. The problem is that the teams need to make sure they are not infected. I guess they could quarantine all the teams for two weeks before they travel to a grand prix. Not particularly convenient but possible.

So, they may be able to assemble a half-season in the second half of this year. We shall see.
Well if I were China, I'd be thinking "we think we've got it under control, let's keep it under control by keeping up the same measures until the world catches up".
The actions or actionless of the Formula 1 management
during the Grand Prix in Australia in relation to the fans
who came to the race were not very correct to put it mildly.

I would like to see a public apology from the officials
to the fans who found themselves without support and
without compensation for their expenses.
After the postponement of races in Bahrain and Vietnam was announced, Todt tweeted a short message:
"the Safety of people is paramount.".. and was criticized by other users of the social network.
"First you make ten thousand people wait in front of the closed gates of albert Park, and then you claim that this is for their safety?"-
this question was asked to Todt repeatedly, but it remained unanswered.
I agree on Jean todt, people already know what I think I of jean todt, worst FIA president we ever had, this the guy who in 2012 sent the team off to Bahrain in a on going civil war & several threats towards the GP. then almost said I would've loved to attended the grand prix. but unfortunately im double booked so I cant be in Bahrain. don't get me started on the fact the most powerful man in motorsport couldn't move the Japanese GP 4 hours earlier for driver safety. for a massive tyhoon that was predicted to hit at the exact time it did 7 days before. then the newest one because I don't think was anything dodgy about how the hush hush secret settlement between FIA & Ferrari. because its not like the president of the FIA worked at Ferrari for 15 years & in very senior management position at Ferrari for 13 of them years winning 106 GPs, 6 driver world titles & 8 Constuctor world titles

the quicker that guy is kicked out the better.
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