Tokyo 2020 (21) olympics

The irony is that claims against Russia express USADA.
I.e. those who have disgraced themselves with a bunch of doping scandals
and whose athletes come to the Olympics with therapeutic exceptions
allowing them to "legally" take psychotropic drugs.
Indeed, the medical exemption policy does seem to border on legalised doping at times.

Take someone like Maria Sharapova in Tennis, in the run up to her ban she won 2 grand slams and made 3 finals, after her return she never finished higher than a single quarter final.

i think i.said at the start that i have sympathy for tokyo because the pandemic has made things very tough for them & got into a rock & hard place because of the IOC refusal to have 3 Olympics with a 2 yr period including a olympics in February & August 2022 . which i think was the correct decision

so tokyo were faced with either have the olympics that its rumoured they spent 10.5billion on for. or cancel have nothing to show it, still have that repay that huge sum & unable to host another Olympics until 2040 but more realistically 2044

having the olympics behind closed doors was the best thing. as it brought the countries/world together at a time when the world needed it the most
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Indeed, the medical exemption policy does seem to border on legalised doping at times.

Take someone like Maria Sharapova in Tennis, in the run up to her ban she won 2 grand slams and made 3 finals, after her return she never finished higher than a single quarter final.
I hope you are aware of which " doping " was blamed on Sharapova,
and that until the moment of punishment it was a common pills
prescribed freely by doctors to everyone as a prevention from heart and vascular problems?
And are you aware that there are similar pills in America that have remained legal?

Well, the fact that after returning after a couple of years of a break, Sharapova did not show the results that she had before...
Are you serious? That is, you blame her, without looking at her age and psychological problems after all
that she had to go through with the ban...
Well, this is certainly your right, although it is not very adequate.

i think i.said at the start that i have sympathy for tokyo because the pandemic has made things very tough for them & got into a rock & hard place because of the IOC refusal to have 3 Olympics with a 2 yr period including a olympics in February & August 2022 . which i think was the correct decision

so tokyo were faced with either have the olympics that its rumoured they spent 10.5billion on for. or cancel have nothing to show it, still have that repay that huge sum & unable to host another Olympics until 2040 but more realistically 2044

having the olympics behind closed doors was the best thing. as it brought the countries/world together at a time when the world needed it the most
It seems that the IOC officials did not want to delay the holding of the Summer Olympics further,
because they are waiting for the Winter Olympics in China in the winter of 2022

That is, they no longer care about the problems of Japan
olegg its not that they dont care as they do they put alot of effort into making sure that the olympics was as safe as possible, but thomas bach is only there for safety of Olympians in that 2 week period & not politics of the Japanese population in 2021 into 2022. although as i have said, Politics & Olympics go hand in hand.

but delaying it wasnt a realistic option because after 6 years you might as well wait til paris & by delaying your then going to upset winter olympians because they are going to get forgotten about particularly in UK, in February we get 3 medals then 3 months later we got 65 medals

also normally i would say its not the next host nations fault that the olympics got delayed, they bid & spent alot of money for a separate Olympics not a warm up act. but then as you say its in china. so technically with rumours flying about entire pandemic & how the WHO havent ruled it out it could be argued that it is chinese fault :D
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olegg its not that they dont care as they do they put alot of effort into making sure that the olympics was as safe as possible, but thomas bach is only there for safety of Olympians in that 2 week period & not politics of the Japanese population in 2021 into 2022. although as i have said, Politics & Olympics go hand in hand.

but delaying it wasnt a realistic option because after 6 years you might as well wait til paris & by delaying your then going to upset winter olympians because they are going to get forgotten about particularly in UK, in February we get 3 medals then 3 months later we got 65 medals

also normally i would say its not the next host nations fault that the olympics got delayed, they bid & spent alot of money for a separate Olympics not a warm up act. but then as you say its in china. so technically with rumours flying about entire pandemic & how the WHO havent ruled it out it could be argued that it is chinese fault :D
As time and facts show, "China's fault" is another political provocation.
As it turns out, the epidemic in China began after military exercises,
which were attended by military personnel from the United States.
And the first cases in the world were just in the United States.
Only this was strenuously hidden for the time being.
Also, a very interesting point is the biological laboratories under the patronage of the USA around the world.
There are about 200 such laboratories. And these laboratories are working with the most dangerous strains of viruses.
Do not forget the biggest beneficiaries in the world from the vaccine campaign:
US pharmacists have received tens of billions of profits.
So, behind the accusations of China in the coronavirus and the massive inflating of this topic in the media,
one country's interest is visible to hide its role in this whole scandal.
Can we keep this thread on topic please. There is a separate thread for Covid discussions.

Thanks Cat the Mod.

Did Discovery have some sports in UK where they had exclusive rights?

In Finland they had such for TV coverage of basketball (both regular and 3x3) and aquatics (including swimming, diving, synchronized swimming and water polo) events. The similar theme was in 2018 Winter Olympics where Discovery had exclusive rights for men's ice hockey (obviously one of events which draws the biggest interest).
Did Discovery have some sports in UK where they had exclusive rights?

In Finland they had such for TV coverage of basketball (both regular and 3x3) and aquatics (including swimming, diving, synchronized swimming and water polo) events. The similar theme was in 2018 Winter Olympics where Discovery had exclusive rights for men's ice hockey (obviously one of events which draws the biggest interest).
as far as i know the BBC had no limits what they could show, so the high profile events the boxing, swimming, athletics were shown

but they were limited on just 350hrs of coverage in tokyo compared to 3000 hrs in rio. & they were only allowed to show 2 live events at any time 1 on tv & 1 online or on the Red Button ( How do I use the Red Button? | Contact the BBC ) compared to 24 in london
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