There you go.
Longitudinal profi le
Any change in gradient should be effected using a minimum
vertical radius calculated by the formula :
R = V²
Where R is the radius in metres, V is the speed in kph and K is a
constant equal to 20 in the case of a concave profi le or to 15 in
the case of a convex profi le. The value of R should be adequately
increased along approach, release, braking and curved sections.
Wherever possible, changes in gradient should be avoided
altogether in these sections.
The gradient of the start/fi nish straight should not exceed 2 %.
7.5 Transversal inclination, drainage
Along straights, the transversal incline, for drainage purposes,
between the two edges of the track or between the centre-line
and the edge (camber), should not exceed 3%, or be less than
1,5 %.
In curves, the banking (downwards from the outside to the inside
of the track) should not exceed 10 % (with possible exceptions
in special cases, such as speedways). An adverse incline is not
generally acceptable unless dictated by special circumstances, in
which case the entry speed should not exceed 125 kph.
Any variation in transversal incline, particularly along the
entry and exit sections of a planimetrical curve, should have
adequate altimetrical transitions, based on the trajectory and on
consideration of point 7.4.
Systems for adequate drainage of water from the track, pit lane,
paddock and public areas should be treated as a priority in the
planning stage.
7.6 Track edges, verges and run ... 010%20.pdf