The Olympics 2012

You'd have to ask her wife?

I guess that kind of explains why she only talks about the success of women and never seems to mention men, at least to some extent.

Sooo, getting us back on track, looks like they've constructed a London landscape in the stadium for the closing ceremony, including the London Eye, Big Ben etc.
Absolutely loving the show on BBC1 so far...goosebumps. This country can be amazing. Let the buzz continue longafter....please please please...I think we're all tired of the sadness - which is so very...very sad.
She not there because she didn't want introduced as queen Vera.
I can't believe they just introduced prince Harry as Prince Henry.
Off with their heads.
Please, please, please let this end up being an appropriate end to what has been a stunning Olympics. I'm really not convinced so far, and it would be a great shame.
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