The Olympics 2012

Wow any of you guys watching fencing? They're making an absolut mess on who has won the Ladies Semi Final. A debate including oral and now written protests going on for about 45 minutes now.
Shame it ended up as a bronze, they can still hold there heads high as even winning a medal is as rare as hens teeth for britain when it comes to gymnastics,.
Just watching a bit of the Fencing there seems to be a bit of arguing going with the judges and one of the competitors is doing some sort of sit down protest by the looks of it.
mjo I am nowhere near a fencing expert but from what I know the German and Korean girl finished in a draw and went to extra time. Then (completely within the rules but moronic anyway) there was a decision, that in case extra time would not produce a winner the Korean girl would go through.
Then when extra time was over (and the match still drawn) they (for whatever reason) reset the clock to 0:01. Then they let this remaining second go far toooooo long, so that the German girl scored a hit and was declared the winner. Then the Korean people protested orally and after 15 min or so the German girl was again declared the winner. Then there was a written appeal by the Koreans which I think had now been dismissed. But I am really not sure.
They are now announcing the Bronze Medal match.

Oh and the Korean girl had to sit down at that platform, because if she had left it, she would have accepted the decision.
The Bronze Medal starts now with the Korean girl, everybody supporting her now! But that was one of the most awful decision-making processes I've seen in sports
Wow that's strange. Wasn't tere a basketball match like that ages ago, where the clock was reset?
So now the Korean girl has lost the Bronze Medal match, but showed an incredible fighting spirit, after sitting around for 1,5h waiting for the final decision. She's clearly some sort of moral winner!!
You know what guys, Germany still hasn't won a medal (Well they will have one after the fencing final) But I'm simply loving all those people everywhere here who can't believe that athletes from other countries are competetive as well.
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