Frankly speaking, I do not like to see so many run off areas and drivers cutting chicane too often. Now a days, drivers take maximum risk without any fear. Because they know if they make any mistake there will be no serious punishment, i.e. they know, they have nothing to lose.
In olden days, there were no run off areas, this meant only drivers who had courage and skill to overtake would attempt an overtaking move. We must all know that drivers like Fangio, Senna, Prost and Schumcher raced on real tracks and not on artificial tracks like we have now. There were no run offs then, and any mistake would mean they ended up in gravel or grass or wall.
I think FIA should make changes to all modern tracks and run off to be replaced with gravel/grass. That is the only way to know who is the better driver.
If we do not get proper racing tracks how will we ever compare drivers like Vettel/Hamilton to great drivers like Senna/Schumacher.
(Simple example- This year when it started to rain at Spa 2 laps before finish as Kimi and Lewis approached Pouhon both of them ran wide and took run off area for their aid, in olden days there was gravel there. Any such mistake then would have meant they were out of race, at that very moment.)
Today I was listening to a podcast, and they made a point saying that. Now a days drivers purposely brake late knowing the fact that they have noting to lose if they do not make the curve.
I completely hate the idea of run off areas on track. Anyone else agree with me.
In olden days, there were no run off areas, this meant only drivers who had courage and skill to overtake would attempt an overtaking move. We must all know that drivers like Fangio, Senna, Prost and Schumcher raced on real tracks and not on artificial tracks like we have now. There were no run offs then, and any mistake would mean they ended up in gravel or grass or wall.
I think FIA should make changes to all modern tracks and run off to be replaced with gravel/grass. That is the only way to know who is the better driver.
If we do not get proper racing tracks how will we ever compare drivers like Vettel/Hamilton to great drivers like Senna/Schumacher.
(Simple example- This year when it started to rain at Spa 2 laps before finish as Kimi and Lewis approached Pouhon both of them ran wide and took run off area for their aid, in olden days there was gravel there. Any such mistake then would have meant they were out of race, at that very moment.)
Today I was listening to a podcast, and they made a point saying that. Now a days drivers purposely brake late knowing the fact that they have noting to lose if they do not make the curve.
I completely hate the idea of run off areas on track. Anyone else agree with me.