RIP Professor Sid Watkins

Just when I thought my evening couldn't get any worse, and that bomb shell is dropped.

R.I.P. Sid. At least you an Ayrton can finally go fishing together.

There are many drivers in F1 who owe their lives or if not their careers to the Proff. His contribution to F1 safety should never be underestimated.
What a wonderful, but of course at times tragic, life that man lived. Saved countless lives not only directly on the track but also in the implementation of improved medical and safety standards in F1 and motor sport. Its not tragic as he lived his life to the full until he was 84 but sad nonetheless. His legacy will live on for years.
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Very sad news. One of the books on my shelf that I will not let go is his "Life at the Limit" which is a great, if sometimes a bit gruesome, read. One interesting that comes out of this book is the support he had from Bernie Ecclestone at a time when safety was not even thought of. BE forced the circuit owners to provide the facilities required, anything that Sid Watkins asked for BE provided.

The only failure that Sid Watkins had was not being able to persuade Ayrton Senna to go fishing with him rather than race on that fatal day. What a shame Senna refused.
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