RIP Professor Sid Watkins

Hmmm, yes. I think applause at funerals is a traditional Continental European thing, and that it was Lady Diane's funeral that it all became "the thing to do" in the UK in order to celebrate life rather than show sympathy for passing.
I can see a point although if someone I know dies I think I'd prefer to be silent than applaud, as a former serviceman I think silence in commemoration is appropriate.
When I go I want a mariachi band, dancing girls and a Polar Bear fighting an Ostrich as half time entertainment before Arthur Brown lights the blue touch paper on my funereal Air Bomb.
Geth, I have honestly never heard of holding a minute's applause before instead of a minute's silence, so I don't think it's as British as you think ;)
Oh for gods sake a minuets applause is a far better tribute to this great man, celebrate his life don't mourn his passing dying is something we will all do it doesn't require any great skill or effort, maybe Bernie is aware that he is in his own twilight years and people may not be sad when he is gone, no matter how much wealth he accumulates he will never be loved like Sid was.

Sorry to disappoint you mate I won't be sad when you go, I don't wish you dead Bernie but for pity's sake just leave F1.....
Been on holiday with no internet or mobile signal so I'm a bit late.
RIP Doc you're one of the true heroes of sport & deserve to be remembered with honour.

I don't mind if it's a minutes silence, applause or honking of horns the point is they are remembering him & saluting a great person.
I suspect Bernie may get a big cheer when he pops his clogs but not for the same reasons as Sid!
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