New design

I see you have tightened up the design and it looks very clean. Remember, as you go, that white-space is a good thing and that more and more users are on tablets these days. The general rule of thumb should be to design for fingers before mouse and this is becoming increasingly more important as every day passes. Websites no longer belong on desktops. Desktop machines are now just one device you might happen to visit a website from.
Tablets and mobile devices don't factor into my thinking I'm afraid.
Apart from the fact that I don't do any mobile browsing, if I was to try and fit the design to every single device available, I would never have time to sleep, eat or anything else.

All I've basically done is remove superfluous borders and margins, in some places I've actually increased the white space.

A dedicated mobile style is being created by the developers, so that will be the best option for mobile browsing.

Edit: Sorry, that sounds a bit flippant. What I meant to say was without being able to check the results as I don't have any mobile capable devices, it's difficult to know how to factor the design changes into that. The developers will spend far longer testing the dedicated mobile style so it will be far better suited than anything I could ever do, which is primarily designed to work on a desktop.
Btw Bro, the notification box that pops up in the bottom left corner no longer takes you to the top of the page when clicked upon. I'm not sure if it did this before the changes but I thought it did so I figured I'd mention it :).
I haven't changed anything to do with that so it may be a bug.
I'll investigate.

Edit: I just tested the conversation alert it and it worked fine. I'll wait until I get a normal alert before I can test that.

Edit: I just tested the normal alert and that also worked. Which browser are you using?
Ah, bug-central ;)

There are quite a few things which don't work with FF 9.
They're pushing out the updates so fast that it has turned into a bug-riddled mess.
If you clear your broswer cache (Chrome is notorious for hanging on to old images), you will see a slight change to the member cards.

Still working on the design so it will change a bit more.
Bro the X in the upper right corner on the member cards are incomplete in both Firefox and Chrome. Not sure if you're aware of this but couldn't hurt to post it I suppose.
Thanks guys.
Just one of many tweaks I have been planning for about 12 months now LOL

It's just finding the time...

P.S. I said I'd get a bit of orange in somewhere ;)
Click the spanner in the top right corner, select Options, click Under the Bonnet on the left, click the Clear Browsing Data button at the top, check just Empty the cache, set the time to the beginning of time, finally click the Clear browsing data button.
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